Tag 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.1.2-1' created by Mattia Dongili 
<malat...@linux.it> at 2009-06-07 02:19 +0000

Tagging upload of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.1.2

Changes since xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.1.1+git20090510-1:
David Nusinow (1):
      Add README.source

Jeremy Huddleston (1):
      Add model-specific edges for appletouch.

Julien Cristau (3):
      xsfbs: repack.sh needs to be executable
      xsfbs: don't run dpkg --print-installation-architecture
      Kill custom readlink function

Mattia Dongili (6):
      Merge branch 'upstream' into debian-unstable
      Package version 1.1.2
      Replace 02-mention-tapping-in-manpage-notes.patch
      Refresh 01-synaptics-dont-grab-if-not-on-current-VT.patch
      Update README.Debian's date signature with the last modification time
      Merge commit 'xsfbs/debian-unstable' into debian-unstable

Peter Hutterer (5):
      Shut up valgrind warnings about uninitialized variables.
      eventcomm: force boolean values for has_left, has_right, etc.
      synclient: up max value for AccelFactor to 1.0
      synaptics 1.1.1
      synaptics 1.1.2

 configure.ac                                                     |    2 
 debian/README.source                                             |   73 
 debian/changelog                                                 |   12 +
 debian/patches/01-synaptics-dont-grab-if-not-on-current-VT.patch |    6 
 debian/patches/02-mention-tapping-in-manpage-notes.patch         |   22 ++-
 debian/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.README.Debian                |    2 
 debian/xsfbs/xsfbs.sh                                            |   12 -
 src/eventcomm.c                                                  |   45 ++++--
 src/synaptics.c                                                  |    6 
 src/synapticsstr.h                                               |    3 
 tools/synclient.c                                                |    2 
 11 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

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