On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 06:44:14AM +1000, Paul Szabo wrote:
> Long ago on 30 Jan 2007 I wrote:
> >> I do not have easy access to woody machines anymore...
> Silly me, I now "discovered" a long-forgotten woody machine. Testing
> that, I get:
> bash-2.05a# ls -l /etc/debian_version
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 4 Nov 28  2001 /etc/debian_version
> bash-2.05a# cat /etc/debian_version
> 3.0
> bash-2.05a# dpkg -l | grep xterm
> ii  xterm          4.1.0-16woody7 X terminal emulator
> bash-2.05a# ps aux | grep $PPID
> root       473  0.0  0.2  4460 2288 ?        Ss   06:24   0:00 xterm
> bash-2.05a# time perl -e '$|=1; foreach $x (1..500) { print "x" 
> foreach(1..$x); print " $x\n" }'
> ....
> real    0m0.364s
> user    0m0.100s
> sys     0m0.090s

fwiw, compiling xterm patch #165 with just the wide-chars option,
and comparing against xterm #243, I'm not seeing much difference
(less than 10% variation).

That's with a 24x80 screen.

Running it in a UTF-8 locale bumps the numbers up by about 10%.

Also rxvt-unicode is giving me slightly higher numbers than xterm.

(This is on a new xterm - I'm aware that the performance of scrollback
is unchanged-sometime I'll have 2-3 weeks in one chunk to rewrite that...)

Attaching the non-UTF-8 numbers to give a comparison (bug report only
shows POSIX locale - I used en_US).

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

real    0m0.524s
user    0m0.132s
sys     0m0.392s

real    0m0.445s
user    0m0.100s
sys     0m0.340s

real    0m0.495s
user    0m0.128s
sys     0m0.356s

xterm-242 (/usr/bin/xterm)
real    0m0.379s
user    0m0.080s
sys     0m0.300s

real    0m0.378s
user    0m0.096s
sys     0m0.284s

real    0m0.384s
user    0m0.096s
sys     0m0.292s

real    0m0.382s
user    0m0.084s
sys     0m0.300s

real    0m0.380s
user    0m0.120s
sys     0m0.256s

real    0m0.380s
user    0m0.104s
sys     0m0.276s

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