On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 19:51:26 +0000 Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

> #467319: xserver-xorg-video-intel: FatalError [drm:i915_wait_irq] *ERROR* 
> i915_wait_irq: EBUSY -- rec: 46388219 emitted: 46388226
> It has been closed by Brice Goglin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

I've just installed libgl1-mesa-dri/7.0.3-4 from unstable and redid the
stress test with stonerview.
No crash at all, everything seems to work fine!  :-)

Thank you so much for applying the patches that fix this bug!

Now, it would be really *fantastic* if #478880 could be fixed before
the Debian library freeze...

 The nano-document series is here!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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