reassign 480655 xserver-xorg

Le dimanche 11 mai 2008 à 13:40 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> Under 'ctrl key position' I set 'make capslock an addition ctrl'. The key 
> itself
> works fine, it is functioning as a ctrl. The caps lock led, however, still
> operates as if it were a caps lock key. I.e. if I press caps lock key, it is
> turned on, if I press it again, it is turned off.
> If I use the 'swap ctrl and capslock' then the keys function correctly, the 
> caps
> lock led, however will be set according to the physical caps lock key (and not
> the physical ctrl key, which with this setting is actually functioning as the
> caps lock key.)

According to upstream, this is a bug in the X server that should be
already fixed in the development tree.

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