Itai Seggev wrote:
> From a subsequent email in this thread, I figured out that I need to
> add --output VGA to the command line. Once I did this, I was able to
> set the resolution to my desired resolution. It still seems to be a
> bug that before the upgrade in respected my preferences in xorg.conf,
> but afterwards it didn't.

Ok looking at your previous reply with the xrandr output, it looks like
there is no preferred mode for your screen so there are few chances the
driver choosing the one you want. What you call a "bug" is actually that
the xorg.conf way to choose a mode has changed. The "Modes" line
isn'really t used anymore. To choose your preferred mode, say 1280x1024
at 75Hz, you should:

Get a modeline with:
  $ gtf 1280 1024 75
  # 1280x1024 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 80.17 kHz; pclk: 138.54 MHz
  Modeline "1280x1024_75.00"  138.54  1280 1368 1504 1728  1024 1025
1028 1069  -HSync +Vsync

And then add the last line above and the following to the monitor
section of your xorg.conf
    Option "PreferredMode" "1280x1024_75.00"

(as explained in

Let me know if this helps.

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