On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 03:10:06PM +0200, Alexandra N. Kossovsky wrote:
> I can confirm this bug in Etch xterm (222-1etch2), amd64.
> Moreover, I can reproduce it!
I don't have etch (or amd64...), but have Debian/testing - and lots
of versions of xterm.  With that combination, I'm not seeing the
problem - whether it's in xterm or the X libraries.
> The following command crashes xterm (and uxterm as well).
> (all locale variables not mentioned in the command line are C or POSIX)
> xterm error message:
> xterm:  warning, error event received:
> X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 
> operation)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  77 (X_ImageText16)
>   Value in failed request:  0x0
>   Serial number of failed request:  370
>   Current serial number in output stream:  374
> Please note that "cat xxx" and "less xxx" behave correctly.
> Opening th file with vi/vim crashes xterm.
> One-line file "xxx" is attached (I've got it from the spambox).
> Tell if you need more info. Thank you for your work.

If you have the time, compiling the xterm source (with the appropriate
options to match Debian's configuration) could perhaps get a usable
walkback from the debugger.  I can offer advice on that...
> Regards,
>     Alexandra.
> -- 
> Alexandra N. Kossovsky
> OKTET Labs (http://www.oktetlabs.ru/)
> Phones: +7(921)956-42-86(mobile) +7(812)783-21-91(office)

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Thomas E. Dickey

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