reassign 290625 xserver-xorg-core
retitle 290625 xserver-xorg-core: race condition when attaching to a VT
severity 290625 minor

On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 14:10:01 +0300, Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:

> The bug only manifests itself on a particular upgrade path, described in
> the bug thread messages (which I believe have all the needed reproduction
> information). If you set up a fresh system, it definitely
> doesn't happen. It could very well be that upgrading from an oldstable
> system+XFree86 to the today's stable or testing could still trigger it,
> but as I said I don't have the hardware to reproduce it. Note that it
> relies on a not-very-sane decision in (not fully) updating a manually
> touched kdmrc as I elaborated on the bug thread in my Feb 4
> message. If you ask me, this downgrades the importance of the bug
> considerably, but, as you see in the reply from Michel Daenzer the same
> day, it's still an X bug. My guess would be that the bug is still there,
> but one has to retest the fishy upgrade path to see.
OK, thanks for following up!


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