On 11 Jun 2007, Brice Goglin wrote:
> Did you have a chance to test xserver-xorg-video-nv 2.0.2?

        I did, and it works.  I ended up removing all of the
proprietary nvidia packages and reconfiguring the xserver-xorg
package to create a new xorg.conf from scratch, otherwise I was
getting video corruption both on the console X was assuming
control over and my normal text consoles (I don't run any
framebuffer stuff at all in my kernel).

        But after doing all of that, the nv driver gave me a
pretty gdm login screen and my text consoles were still happy
also.  So it looks like you can definitely close this bug
finally.  :)

Mark Nipper                                                e-contacts:
4320 Milam Street                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bryan, Texas 77801-3920                     http://nipsy.bitgnome.net/
(979)575-3193                      AIM/Yahoo: texasnipsy ICQ: 66971617

Version: 3.1
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W++(--) N+ o K++ w(---) O++ M V(--) PS+++(+) PE(--)
Y+ PGP t+ 5 X R tv b+++@ DI++ D+ G e(*) h r(%) y+(**)

---begin random quote of the moment---
"I don't think that you have a clue what it's like to communicate
with these kids.  We are losing them to apathy, to this
proscribed nonsense.  They are slipping away."
 -- Karen Pomeroy, "Donnie Darko", 2001
----end random quote of the moment----

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