Hello All,

Am 2007-04-24 22:49:58, schrieb Ken Bloom:
> tags 156497 - unreproducible
> thanks

> The relevant line of your broken strace is this one:
> 3794  execve("/usr/bin/apropos", ["apropos", "-M", "/usr/man", "ls"], 
> [/* 75 vars */]) = 0
> I'm not sure why apropos is scanning those other directories when it's 
> been given a command-line option telling it not to, but clearly it's 
> not reporting anything it finds in those directories.
> In your working strace, however,
> xman.strace.26546:11:43:24.044047 [400b0a7d] execve("/usr/bin/apropos", 
> ["apropos", "-M", "/home/michelle.konzack/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/local/man", 
> "directory"], 
> [...,"MANPATH=/home/michelle.konzack/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/local/man",...])=0
> Is it possible that you've got $MANPATH set only when running from 
> inside an xterm (e.g. if your .bashrc is setting $MANPATH)? I find that 
> xman works for me when I run it with $MANPATH set. It seems xman calls 
> apropos with -M $MANPATH when $MANPATH is set, and -M /usr/man 
> otherwise.
> So you're seeing the same thing I am.

I have set the $MANPATH insice FVWM and restarted...

Now APROPOS is working.

I think, I will look in the sources this weekend

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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