On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 19:37 +0200, Johannes Berg wrote:
> Both versions 6.6.3 and 6.6.191 crash on resume (when switching back from
> the suspend console) when rhythmbox is playing across suspend. Just having
> rhythmbox open doesn't make a difference.


> Initially I suspected that rhythmbox was trying to draw something while
> other processes were still stopped due to alsa giving it a signal or
> something, but I think that theory can be dismissed ;) [actually, I checked,
> but see no evidence in both alsa code and a rhythmbox strace]

The actual drawing would be done by the X server anyway.

> This backtrace I got might be it, but it might also be the one from later
> on (see below):
> 0: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x94) [0x100a64f8]
> 1: [0x100344]
> 2: /lib/ld.so.1 [0x30014298]
> 3: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//radeon_drv.so [0xf92f0b8]
> 4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//radeon_drv.so(RADEONPreInit+0xa24) 
> [0xf933248]

Yeah, looks like https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10442
which is fixed in git.

The log of the previous X server should be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old

>  * it doesn't happen when rhythmbox is running but not playing music (though
>    I haven't actually tried with paused)

Does it happen when the rhythmbox window is hidden? Is visualization
enabled in rhythmbox?

>  * The kernel I'm running is heavily patched, but I disclaim any
>    responsibility.

Heh, would still be nice if you could try a stock kernel for reference.

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |          http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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