> This comment is for "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps". I could say ok to adding
> this option since I remember seeing improvement in Compiz when enabling
> it on my Radeon. But, I don't know what its drawbacks are.
> About being nVidia specific, I was talking about the other line,
> "AddARGBGLXVisuals", I have no idea what this option does.

Neither me, I just got them from the wiki.  If you're concerned about
yet-to-be-found drawbacks, we could make it optional via debconf then?

> > On my Intel chipset, this line didn't break anything.
> So you think we should add nVidia crap to anybody's xorg.conf just
> because there are some users of these evil non-free drivers out there ? :)

Oh, not really.  Screw nVidia.  Beryl is only for faithful followers of the
one true Intel card brand.  :-)

So which lines are we going to add, if any?  I can test which lines can
Intel do without, but not till monday.

> Anyway, as long as nobody explained the drawbacks of these options (and
> there are probably some, or they would be enabled by default), there is
> no way this is going to be enabled by default, sorry. It is important to
> keep the default config working on most boards, including the old ones
> that might not support Compiz/Beryl at all for some reason (for instance
> their video memory could not be large enough to store offscreenpixmaps?).

Want a patch to make a debconf option for this?

Robert Millan

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