MONSTER CAREER ADVICE NEWSLETTER ======================================================== Tuesday, January 30, 2007
-------------------------------------------------------- Healthcare Stepping-Stone Jobs You don't need a four-year college degree to qualify for some of the fastest-growing jobs in healthcare. Many positions on healthcare employers' most-wanted lists require two or fewer years of education. Learn about the options here. -------------------------------------------------------- Customize Your Resume for Best Results You have a resume, but it's not working as well as you'd like it to. What can you do to increase the number of calls you receive for job interviews? Customize your resume. Here's how to tailor your resume to the opening and company. -------------------------------------------------------- Heard on the Boards: Boss Encourages Tattling -- What to Do? Monster member Bully posts: My boss loves to get dirt on her employees, so she likes to go around the office and ask staff to tattle on other staff members. If they can give some dirt on the employee, they are given kudos. So to move ahead, most employees will make up stuff on their fellow workers, and now no one trusts anyone. Does this sound like your company too? Monster member OCSurfCity responds: Either someone has too much time on their hands, or... Join the discussion: -------------------------------------------------------- First Offer Not Your First Choice? When you're unemployed, unhappily employed or eager to change careers, jumping at the first offer you get -- even if it isn't quite what you want -- can be tempting. But should you? Here's some guidance. -------------------------------------------------------- Should You File Your Taxes Online? E-filing is the latest, most popular way to file taxes. Filing online not only reduces the errors made during this process, but also cuts down on the amount of time it takes to file. What's more, most e-file Web sites provide tax experts, communication specialists and economists to help e-filers through the process. Learn the pros and cons of making your tax return paperless. -------------------------------------------------------- Meet Your Deadlines with These Tips Not meeting deadlines can spiral into project or career failure. Yet deadlines are one of the most vexing pieces of the time-management puzzle. There are ways to manage your deadlines, like by using these five time-management tips. -------------------------------------------------------- >From the Monster Blog: The Fight Against Germs in the Workplace Monster Blogger Christine posts: As I've mentioned, in October my husband and I took a cruise. On entering the sumptuous dining room each night, we were greeted by crew members -- and a huge dispenser of antibacterial hand cleanser. Being a lifelong germphobe, I knew bacteria don't take a vacation and used the dispenser nightly before I ate. Cruise ships aren't the only places you'll see such germ-fighting tools. Items like antimicrobial paper and the washable mouse are becoming fixtures in many types of workplaces. Offices are... Read more and respond: -------------------------------------------------------- Monster Meter: 44% of Monster Members Are Most Looking Forward to Vacation in 2007 In a recent Monster Meter poll, we asked: What are you most looking forward to in 2007? Here are the results: * 44% Going on vacation * 42% Getting a promotion * 9% Retirement * 5% Spending my year-end bonus Let your voice be heard. Vote in this week's poll on Monster: -------------------------------------------------------- Check out additional Monster Career Advice newsletters Monster respects your online time and privacy. If you no longer wish to receive the Career Advice newsletter, please click on the following link and submit your request: Requests for unsubscribing or for changing preferences can be made only by clicking on the link above and may take up to 10 days to take effect. Questions? Email us directly at Please do not reply to this email. To read the Monster Privacy Commitment, visit: Monster, 5 Clock Tower Place, Ste 500, Maynard, MA 01754 Add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book to ensure delivery of Monster e-mails. Copyright 2007 Monster. All Rights Reserved.