Package: xserver-xorg
Version: 1:7.1.0-10
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch l10n

Please map French Canadian (cf) to ca (Canada) layout in
This applies for about 7 million people.

Note that later in postinst there is something to prompt about the
layout anyway for French Canadian, apparently since it is common to use
us layout here. I'm French-speaking and not in the most English-speaking
places in Canada, but I doubt this and would appreciate to be pointed to
the sources for this decision. This is not really important though as
this is only triggered when [ "$OPTIONS" = "fr" ] and OPTIONS is not set
at this point.
---       2007-01-25 18:55:56.000000000 -0500
+++    2007-01-25 18:55:31.000000000 -0500
@@ -1158,6 +1158,7 @@
     br) XMAP="us"; VARIANT="intl"; MODEL="pc104";;
     br-abnt2) XMAP="br"; VARIANT="abnt2"; MODEL="abnt2";;
     by) XMAP="by";;
+    cf) XMAP="ca";;
     lfc-cat) XMAP="es"; VARIANT="cat";;
     cz-lat2) XMAP="cz";;
     de-latin1-nodeadkeys) XMAP="de"; VARIANT="nodeadkeys";;

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