begin  quoting Brice Goglin as of Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 02:12:07AM +0100:
> Stewart Stremler wrote:
> > Not that I am aware of. (Then again, it's been quite some time since
> > I last fought with this machine.) There's an xserver-xorg-video-ati
> > package
> > installed.
> Since you have an ATI board and this ATI driver package, why do you use
> the VGA driver? :)

Erm... because I just want the bare minimum working, so I haven't
played around with the options much.

> Section "Device"
>     Identifier "Generic Video Card"
>     Driver "vga" <<<< try with "ati" instead
> EndSection


> > It changes, in that it but it's not better. It complains about the
> > DRI module not being loaded instead of complaining about screen 0
> > not being DRI capable.
> Right, AIGLX won't be enabled, but it is not important.
> The possibly bad warnings that remain are:
>     ****INVALID IO ALLOCATION**** b: 0x2c00400 e: 0x2c004ff correcting
>     (WW) VGA(0): Cannot read colourmap from VGA. Will restore with default

Well, the Invalid IO Allocation warning is still there. :-/

> But there is something strange, you have lots of line like:
>     (II) VGA(0): Not using default mode "640x350" (insufficient memory
> for mode)
> followed in the end by:
>     (WW) VGA(0): Mode pool is empty
> All this could be caused by:
>     (==) VGA(0): videoRam: 64 kBytes.
> Your ATI board probably has much more memory than that (maybe 8MB). The
> ATI driver should detect it fine. If not, we could even hardcode it in
> xorg.conf.
Hm. The dmesg output says it has "4M SGRAM", if I read the output
correctly. ( )

> Let's see what you get with the ATI driver, the other warnings might be
> related to the VGA driver. Try without DRI first.

Okay. I now get a new and different behavior: an all black screen. I
commented out the 1600x1280 resolutions ('cuz it's an older CRT that
might not handle it, I guessed), and no change. Oh, and it beeps at
me -- I can't alt-Fn or control-alt-Fn to another virtual desktop.

Output and config file can be found at

I added the (filtered) output of ps to show my processes and those
processes running with "x" in the name.

Stewart Stremler

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