MONSTER CAREER ADVICE NEWSLETTER ======================================================== Tuesday, January 16, 2007
-------------------------------------------------------- How Would You Spend a Raise or Bonus? We asked readers what they'd be most likely to splurge on if they got a big salary bump, and buying a car topped the list, followed by a new wardrobe and a home entertainment center. But quite a few readers told us none of those choices were good options. You don't have to be serious with all the money, but everyone can learn from these seven steps. -------------------------------------------------------- Overcome Language Barriers With more than 250 languages spoken in the United States, it is rare that a workplace does not have some language barriers creating communication problems. In our increasingly multicultural and multilingual society, it is imperative employers and employees have the skills to communicate effectively. -------------------------------------------------------- Heard on the Boards: Want to Change Careers but Keep Salary Monster member ramma4 posts: I have been a senior-level manager in the telecom industry and really don't know much else that can make me the kind of money I am used to. Now, I realize that switching jobs sometimes entails taking less in order to succeed, but I have been unable to get back into my career for the last five years. I have some other interests but have not developed them fully. Problem: Providing for the family while I explore those possibilities. So I would like to know how someone with an IQ of 185 and a proclivity for computers, telecom (hardware and software), customer service and millions of dollars in sales experience can change their career and actually make it. I appreciate any advice. Join the discussion: -------------------------------------------------------- Ten Career Books for 2007 Throughout our careers, we 21st-century Americans seem to be connecting, disconnecting and, with a bit of luck, reconnecting with our work/life needs and ambitions. So the theme of this year's suggested recent books is connections. Happy reading. -------------------------------------------------------- Filing Your Taxes: Taxpayer Bill of Rights It's time to start gathering your paperwork to file your 2006 taxes. The whole process can make you feel pretty powerless, but as a taxpayer, you are entitled to a number of important rights. Learn about them here. -------------------------------------------------------- Tell Us Your Workplace Romance Story Love can blossom just about anywhere, even at work, where we spend most of our hours. Relationships are challenging enough, but throw in complications like office politics and gossip, and love at work can be downright difficult. So what's been your experience? Can office romance lead to lasting love, or is it a recipe for disaster? Send us your story, and we'll publish the best ones in an upcoming Valentine's Day article. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------------------------------------------------------- >From the Monster Blog: Tigger in Trouble -- Managing Anger at Work Monster Blogger Norma posts: It's never a good idea to lose your cool while on the job. Especially if you're orange and working at the happiest place on Earth. By now, you've likely heard the story and seen the video repeatedly on the news: A New Hampshire family was on vacation at Disney World. The kids pose for a picture with Tigger, and then Tigger clocks the 14-year-old standing next to him. The teen and his family say they have no idea why Tigger would have done such a thing, and the man in the Tigger costume says -- through his union -- that he was the victim. He is currently suspended from work. Even in real life, we can all learn a lesson from Winnie the Pooh's friend... Read more and respond: -------------------------------------------------------- Quick Tip: Keep Your Job Search on the Down Low If you're worried your employer might discover your job search, keep it discreet. Don't use your current employer's phone or email system to look for a job, activate the Confidentiality Feature on your Monster resume, network discreetly and reiterate that you're conducting a confidential search in your cover letter. -- Kim Isaacs Read more Resume Quick Tips here: -------------------------------------------------------- Check out additional Monster Career Advice newsletters Monster respects your online time and privacy. If you no longer wish to receive the Career Advice newsletter, please click on the following link and submit your request: Requests for unsubscribing or for changing preferences can be made only by clicking on the link above and may take up to 10 days to take effect. Questions? Email us directly at Please do not reply to this email. To read the Monster Privacy Commitment, visit: Monster, 5 Clock Tower Place, Ste 500, Maynard, MA 01754 Add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book to ensure delivery of Monster e-mails. Copyright 2007 Monster. All Rights Reserved.