On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 09:58:03PM +0100, Daniel Smolik wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not 100% sure but I don't say something about working Xsever on fbdev.
> I am runnig on my E250 Debian  SID and I keep it updated. But with latest 
> Xorg in SID Xserver still don't work (still need multidomain PCI patch). 
> And about frame buffer I have Raptor GFX frame buffer card but with 2.6.x 
> kernels this doesn't work very well I report another bug about it. And 
> Xserver with fbdev doesn't work too. At 2.4.x kernels it works much better.


I remember the discussion about this multidomain PCI patch, but I 
guess I'm not up-to-date on it. Is there such a patch against current 
xorg? Can you point me to it? Have you tried building the xserver 
with that patch and testing it on your box?

Best regards,
Jurij Smakov                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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