Package: compiz-gnome
Version: 0.0.13+git20060928-2
Severity: important

Hi Thierry,

I tried to use your compiz packages under Debian sid (kernel 2.6.18) with the Beta NVidia driver (1.0-9625) installed (see

Besides that compiz seems to have been liked against the Mesa implemnentation of OpenGL (is it ?) and thus not usably in my case if I follow the HowTo of jamesjones' posting, there should be a program 'gnome-window-decorator' in compiz-gnome (or one of the other compiz packages?).

So, this is my bug report - gnome-window-decorator is missing !

I tried to compile copmpiz using the current git-version but didn't succeed. produces a configure script with "gnome: no"... make install stops with an error message...


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