> Christian, I appreciate your concern, but I can assure you that learning
> to use git is worth it. :) Especially if you're not familiar with any
> other truly decentralized SCM.

Hmmm, well, I already had to learn tla, then baz, then bzr and I also
use darcs, so I tend to accumulate experience with decentralized SCM
(which, btw, are a real PITA and no value added at all when it comes
at l10n maintenance....but I perfectly understand the reasons of
developers who use it for code maintenance).

As usual, all I will need is finding a good wizard for
"the-One-True-SCM-that-rocks" of the moment...until, of course, some
brand new shiny thing comes up....

So, folks, go for the tool that will better suit your needs and the
l10n folks will follow you..:-)

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