Package: xserver-xorg
Version: 1:7.0.22
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch l10n d-i


Atached debconf template translation update for basque. Please commit it.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.16pia
Locale: LANG=eu_ES.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=eu_ES.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

-- debconf information excluded
# translation of xserver-xorg_debian_po_eu.po to librezale
# debconf templates for xorg-x11 package
# Euskara translation
# $Id: eu.po 490 2005-08-03 09:59:07Z ender $
# Copyright:
# This file is distributed under the same license as the xorg-x11 package.
# Please see debian/copyright.
#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf is available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
# Branden Robinson, 2000-2004.
# Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2005, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: xserver-xorg_debian_po_eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-14 21:41+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-16 23:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: librezale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../x11-common.templates:3
msgid "Root Only, Console Users Only, Anybody"
msgstr "Root Bakarrik, Kontsola Erabiltzaileak Bakarrik, Edozein"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:5
msgid "Users allowed to start the X server:"
msgstr "X zerbitzaria abiarazteko gaitasuna duten erabiltzaileak:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:5
msgid ""
"Because the X server runs with superuser privileges, it may be unwise to "
"permit any user to start it, for security reasons.  On the other hand, it is "
"even more unwise to run general-purpose X client programs as root, which is "
"what may happen if only root is permitted to start the X server.  A good "
"compromise is to permit the X server to be started only by users logged in "
"to one of the virtual consoles."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzaria supererabiltzaile baimenez abiarazten denez, segurtasun "
"arrazoiak medio ez da zentzuzkoa edozeini abiarazteko baimena ematea.  Beste "
"aldetik ez da zentzuzkoa ere X bezero programa arruntak root bezala "
"abiaraztea, root-ek bakarrik X zerbitzari abiarazteko baimena duenean "
"gertatzen dena.  Gomendagarriena X zerbitzaria kontsola birtual batetan "
"saioa abiarazirik duen edozeini abiarazten uztea da."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:20
msgid "Nice value for the X server:"
msgstr "X zerbitzariaren balio egokia:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:20
msgid ""
"When using operating system kernels with a particular scheduling strategy, "
"it has been widely noted that the X server's performance improves when it is "
"run at a higher process priority than the default; a process's priority is "
"known as its \"nice\" value.  These values range from -20 (extremely high "
"priority, or \"not nice\" to other processes) to 19 (extremely low "
"priority).  The default nice value for ordinary processes is 0, and this is "
"also the recommend value for the X server."
msgstr ""
"Programaketa berezi bat duen sistema eragile kernel bat erabiltzean, "
"Kontutan izan behar da X zerbitzariaren performantzia hobetzen dela "
"lehenetsirikoa baino prozesu lehentasun handiagoa ezartzen; prozesu "
"lehentasuna balio \"zuzena\" bezala ezagutzen da.  Hau -02 (lehentasun "
"handiena edo \"ez egokia\" beste prozesuentzat) eta 19 (lehentasun oso "
"txikia) tartean egon behar da.  Prozesu arruntentzat lehenetsiriko "
"lehentasuna 0 da, hau izaten ere X zerbitzariarentzat balio gomendatua."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:20
msgid ""
"Values outside the range of -10 to 0 are not recommended; too negative, and "
"the X server will interfere with important system tasks.  Too positive, and "
"the X server will be sluggish and unresponsive."
msgstr ""
"-10 eta 0 eremuz kanpoko balioak ez dira gomendagarriak; negatiboegiaz, X "
"zerbitzaria sistema ataza garrantzitsuekin elkar jo daiteke. Positiboegiaz, "
"ordea X zerbitzaria geldoegi eta erantzungakoa gerta daiteke."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:35
msgid "Incorrect nice value"
msgstr "Okerreko balio egokia"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:35
msgid "Please enter an integer between -20 and 19."
msgstr "Mesedez sar -20 eta 19 arteko zenbaki oso bat"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:40
msgid "Major possible upgrade issues"
msgstr "Eguneraketa arazo aukera handiak"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:40
msgid ""
"Some users have reported that upon upgrade to the current package set, their "
"xserver package was no longer installed. Because there is no easy way around "
"this problem, you should be sure to check that the xserver-xorg package is "
"installed after upgrade. If it is not installed and you require it, it is "
"recommended that you install the xorg package to make sure you have a fully "
"functional X setup."
msgstr ""
"Zenbait erabiltzailek ohartu digutenez pakete bilduma honetara eguneratzean, "
"beren xserver paketea ez zela instalatu. Ez Denez erraza arazo hau kokatzea "
"eguneraketa ondoren xserver-xorg paketea instalatua dagoela ziurtatu. "
"Instalaturik ez badago eta zuk honen beharra baduzu gomendagarria da xorg "
"paketea instalatzea funtzionatuko duen X konfigurazio bat duzula ziurtatzeko."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:50
msgid "Cannot remove /usr/X11R6/bin directory"
msgstr "Ezin da/usr/X11R6/bin direktorioa ezabatu"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:50
msgid ""
"This upgrade requires that the /usr/X11R6/bin directory be removed and "
"replaced with a symlink. An attempt was made to do so, but it failed, most "
"likely because the directory is not yet empty. You must move the files that "
"are currently in the directory out of the way so that the installation can "
"complete. If you like, you may move them back after the symlink is in place."
msgstr ""
"Eguneraketa honek /usr/X11R6/bin direktorioa eta lotura sinboliko bategatik "
"ordeztea behar du. Hau egiteko saiakera bat egin da, baina huts egin du, "
"ziurrenik direktorioa ez dagoelako hutsik. Direktorio horretan dauden "
"fitxategiak hortik kanpora mugitu behar dituzu instalazioa aurrera eramateko . 
"Nahi izan ezkero berri hor ipini ditzakezu behin lotura sinbolikoa sortua izan 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../x11-common.templates:50
msgid ""
"This package installation will now fail and exit so that you can do this. "
"Please re-run your upgrade procedure after you have cleaned out the "
msgstr ""
"Pakete instalazioa orain huts egin eta irten egingo da. Mesedez eguneraketa "
"prozedura berriz abiarazi bein direktorio hori hustu duzunean."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:4
msgid "Attempt to autodetect video hardware?"
msgstr "Bideo hardwarea atzematen saiatu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:4
msgid ""
"You should choose this option if you would like to attempt to autodetect the "
"recommended X server and driver module for your video card.  If the "
"autodetection fails, you will be asked to specify the desired X server and/"
"or driver module.  If it succeeds, further configuration questions about "
"your video hardware will be pre-answered."
msgstr ""
"Zure bideo txartelarentzat gomendaturiko X zerbitzari eta kontrolatzailea "
"antzematen saiatu nahi izan ezkero aukera hau gaitu. Auto-antzemateak huts "
"egin ezkero, erabili nahi duzun X zerbitzari eta kontrolatzailea galdetuko "
"zaizkizu.  Auto-antzematea arrakastatsua izan ezkero, zure bideo hardwareari "
"buruzko debconf galderak auto-erantzungo dira."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:4
msgid ""
"If you would rather select the X server and driver module yourself, do not "
"choose this option.  You will not be asked to select the X server if there "
"is only one available."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzaria eta gailu kontrolatzailea eskuz aukeratu nahi izan ezkero, ez "
"aukera hau hautatu.  X zerbitzari bat bakarrik instalaturik izan ezkero ez "
"zaizu galdetuko."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:17
msgid "No X server known for your video hardware"
msgstr "Ez da X zerbitzaririk ezagutzen zure bideo hardwarearentzat"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:17
msgid ""
"There is either no video hardware installed on this machine (e.g. serial "
"console only), or the \"discover\" program was unable to determine which X "
"server is appropriate for the video hardware.  This could be due to "
"incomplete information in discover's hardware database, or because your "
"video hardware is not supported by the available X servers."
msgstr ""
"Edo ez duzu bideo hardwarerik instalaturik makina honetan (serie kontsola "
"soilik adibidez) edo \"discover\" programa ez da zure bideo txartelarentzat "
"egoki den X zerbitzaria ezartzeko gai.  Hau discover-en databasean zure "
"hardwareari buruzko informazio osatugabea, edo sinpleki zure bideo txartela "
"eskuragarri daude X zerbitzariek onartzen ez dutelako izan daiteke."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:26
msgid "Multiple potential default X servers for your hardware"
msgstr "Aukeran X zerbitzari anitz daude zure hardwarearentzako"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:42
msgid "Desired default X server:"
msgstr "Erabili nahi duzun X zerbitzaria:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:42
msgid ""
"The X server is the hardware interface of the X Window System.  It "
"communicates with the video display and input devices, providing a "
"foundation for the chosen Graphical User Interface (GUI)."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzaria X leiho sistemaren hardware interfazea da.  Bere eginkizuna "
"bideo gailu eta sarrera gailuak komunikatzea da, Erabiltzaile Interfaze "
"Grafikoa (GUI) hautatzeko aukera emango dizu."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:42
msgid ""
"Several X servers may be available; the default is selected via the /etc/X11/"
"X symbolic link.  Some X servers may not work with some particular graphics "
msgstr ""
"Zenbait X zerbitzari daude eskuragarri; lehenetsia /etc/X11/X esteka "
"sinbolikoaren bidez aukeratua izango da.  Zenbait X zerbitzarik ezin du zure "
"hardware grafikoarekin lan egin."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:54
msgid "Write default Files section to configuration file?"
msgstr "Idatzi lehenetsiriko fitxategi atala konfigurazio fitxategian?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:54
msgid ""
"The Files section of the X server configuration file tells the X server "
"where to find server modules, the RGB color database, and font files.  This "
"option is recommended to experienced users only.  In most cases, it should "
"be enabled."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzari konfigurazioko Fitxategiak atalak X zerbitzariari moduluak, RGB "
"kolore databasea eta letra-tipo fitxategiak non dauden ezartzen du.  Aukera "
"hau erabiltzaile aurreratuentzat da.  Kasu gehienetan gaiturik egon behar da."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:54
msgid ""
"Disable this option if you want to maintain a custom Files section into the "
"X.Org server configuration file.  This may be needed to remove the reference "
"to the local font server, add a reference to a different font server, or "
"rearrange the default set of local font paths."
msgstr ""
"Ezgaitu aukera hau X-Org zerbitzarian zure \"Fitxategi\" atal "
"pertsonalizatua erabili nahi ezkero.  Hau egin beharko duzu letra-tipo "
"zerbitzari lokal erreferentzia ezabatu, letra-tipo zerbitzari ezberdin bat "
"ezarri, edo letra-tipo lokal bideak berritu nahi izan ezkero."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:68
msgid "X.Org server modules that should be loaded by default:"
msgstr "Lehenespen bezala kargatu behar diren X.Org moduluak:"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:68
msgid ""
"This option is recommended to experienced users only.  In most cases, all of "
"these modules should be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau erabiltzaile esperientziadunei bakarrik gomendatzen zaie, kasu "
"gehienetan modulu denak gaitu behar dira."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:68
msgid ""
" - glx   : support for OpenGL rendering;\n"
" - dri   : support in the X server for DRI (Direct Rendering "
" - vbe   : support for VESA BIOS Extensions. Allows to query\n"
"           the monitor capabilities via the video card;\n"
" - ddc   : support for Data Display Channel, respectively. Allows to query\n"
"           the monitor capabilities via the video card;\n"
" - int10 : real-mode x86 emulator used to softboot secondary VGA cards.\n"
"           Should be enabled if vbe is enabled;\n"
" - dbe   : enables the double-buffering extension in the server.\n"
"           Useful for animation and video operations;\n"
" - extmod: enables many traditional and commonly used extensions, such as\n"
"           shaped windows, shared memory, video mode switching, DGA, and "
" - record: implements the RECORD extension, often used in server testing;\n"
" - bitmap: font rasterizer (so are freetype, and type1 modules)."
msgstr ""
" - glx   : OpenGL errenderizazio onarpena;\n"
" - dri   : X zerbitzariaren DRI onarpena(Direct Rendering Infrastructure);\n"
" - vbe   :VESA BIOS luzapen onarpena. Pantaila ahalmenak\n"
"           bideo txartelaren bidez galdetzeko aukera ematen du;\n"
" - ddc   : Data Display Channel onarpena, hurrenez hurren. Pantaila\n"
"           ahalmenak bideo txartelaren bidez galdetzeko aukera ematen du.\n"
" - int10 : VGA bigarren txartel bat soft bidez abiarazteko erabiltzen da\n"
"           modu-errealeko x86 emuladorea. Gaiturik egon behar da vbe\n"
"           gaiturik badago;\n"
" - dbe   : zerbitzariaren buffer bikoitz luzapena gaitzen du.\n"
"           Animazio eta bideo ekintzentzat erabilgarri;\n"
" - extmod: Ohiturazko eta oso erabiliak diren luzapen anitz gaitzen ditu,\n"
"           adibidez, itzaldun leihoak, partekatutako memoria, bideo modu\n"
"           aldaketa, DGA, eta Xv;\n"
" - record: RECORD luzapena ezartzen du, sarritan zerbitzari probetan "
" - bitmap: font rasterizer (so are freetype, and type1 modules)."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:68
msgid ""
"For further information about these modules, please consult the X.Org "
msgstr "Modulu hauei buruzko argibide gehiagorako, begiratu X-Org 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:92
msgid "Multiple potential default X.Org server drivers for the hardware"
msgstr "Zure hardwareak X.Org lehenetsiriko kontrolatzaile erabilgarri anitz 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:92
msgid ""
"Multiple video cards have been detected, and different X servers are "
"required to support the various devices.  It is thus not possible to "
"automatically select a default X server."
msgstr ""
"Bideo txartel anitz atzeman dira, eta X zerbitzari ezberdinak behar dira "
"gailu anitz onartzeko.  Honegatik ez da posible X zerbitzari lehenetsia "
"automatikoki ezartzea.  Mesedez konfiguratu zerbitzatu behar den gailua "
"ordenagailuko \"lehen burua\" bezala; hau da arruntean ordenagailuaren lehen "
"abiaraztean erabiliko diren monitore eta txartela."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:92
msgid ""
"Please configure the device that will serve as this computer's \"primary head"
"\"; this is generally the video card and monitor used for display when the "
"computer is booted up."
msgstr ""
"Mesedez konfiguratu ordenagailu honen \"lehen buru\" bezala erabiliko den "
"gailua, arruntean ordenagailu abiaraztea bistaraziko diren pantaila eta "
"txartela izaten dira."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:92
msgid ""
"The configuration process currently only supports single-headed setups; "
"however, the X server configuration files can be edited later to support a "
"multi-head configuration."
msgstr ""
"Momentu honetan konfigurazio prozesuak buru bakarreko konfigurazioa bakarrik "
"onartzen du, hala ere, X zerbitzariaren konfigurazio fitxategiak buru bat "
"baino gehiagoko konfigurazioak onartzeko editatu daitezke."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:107
msgid "Identifier for your video card:"
msgstr "Bideo txartelarentzat identifikatzailea:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:107
msgid ""
"The X server configuration file associates your video card with a name that "
"you may provide.  This is usually the vendor or brand name followed by the "
"model name, e.g., \"Intel i915\", \"ATI RADEON X800\", or \"NVIDIA GeForce "
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzari konfigurazioak zure bideo txartela zuk emandako izenarekin "
"lotuko du.  Normalean saltzailearen edo egilearen izena modelo izenez "
"jarraitua izango da, adib, \"Intel i915\", \"ATI RADEON X800\", edo \"NVIDIA "
"GeForce 6600\"."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:115
msgid "X server driver:"
msgstr "X zerbitzari kontrolatzailea:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:115
msgid ""
"For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, it is "
"necessary to select a video card driver for the X server."
msgstr ""
"X Leiho Sistemak behar bezala funtziona dezan, beharrezkoa da X "
"zerbitzariarentzat bideo txartel kontrolatzaile bat aukeratzea."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:115
msgid ""
"Drivers are typically named for the video card or chipset manufacturer, or "
"for a specific model or family of chipsets."
msgstr ""
"Kontrolatzaileak arruntean bideo txartel edo txip-jokoaren egilearen edo "
"jakindako modelo edo txip familiaren izena dute."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:124
msgid "Use kernel framebuffer device interface?"
msgstr "kernel framebuffer gailu interfazea erabili?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:124
msgid ""
"Rather than communicating directly with the video hardware, the X server may "
"be configured to perform some operations, such as video mode switching, via "
"the kernel's framebuffer driver."
msgstr ""
"Naiz hardwarearekin zuzenean harremanak izan, X zerbitzaria zenbait ekintza "
"egin ahal izateko, kernel framebuffer kontrolatzailearen bidez bideo modu "
"aldaketa kasu, konfiguratu egin behar dira."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:124
msgid ""
"In theory, either approach should work, but in practice, sometimes one does "
"and the other does not.  Enabling this option is the safe bet, but feel free "
"to turn it off if it appears to cause problems."
msgstr ""
"Teorian, edozein metodok funtzionatu beharko luke, baina praktikan, "
"batzuetan batek funtzionatzen du eta beste batzuetan ez.  Aukera hau segurua "
"da baina lasai ezgaitu ezazu arazoak ematen dituela iruditzen bazaizu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:136
msgid "Video card's bus identifier:"
msgstr "Bideo txartel bus identifikatzailea:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:136
msgid ""
"Users of PowerPC machines, and users of any computer with multiple video "
"devices, should specify the BusID of the video card in an accepted bus-"
"specific format."
msgstr ""
"PowerPC makina, edo bideo gailu anitz duen edozein erabiltzailek bideo "
"txartelaren BusID-a  onarturiko bus-specific formatuan ezarri behar dute."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:136
msgid "Examples:"
msgstr "Adibideak:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:136
msgid ""
"For users of multi-head setups, this option will configure only one of the "
"heads.  Further configuration will have to be done manually in the X server "
"configuration file, /etc/X11/xorg.conf."
msgstr ""
"Buru anitzeko konfigurazio erabiltzaileentzat, aukera honek buruetako bat "
"bakarrik konfiguratuko du.  Beste konfigurazioak eskuz egin beharko dira X "
"zerbitzariaren konfigurazio /etc/X11/xorg.conf fitxategian"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:136
msgid ""
"You may wish to use the \"lspci -X\" command to determine the bus location "
"of your PCI, AGP, or PCI-Express video card."
msgstr ""
"\"lspci\" komandoa erabili beharko zenuke zure PXI, PCI-Express edo AGP "
"bideo txartelaren bus kokapena antzemateko. "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:136
msgid ""
"When possible, this question has been pre-answered for you and you should "
"accept the default unless you know it doesn't work."
msgstr ""
"Posible denean, galderak aurre erantzunak egongo dira eta zuk eskainitako "
"aukerak onartzearekin aski izango duzu, aukera hauek funtzionatzen ez dutela "
"jakin ez ezkero. "

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:159
msgid "Incorrect format for the bus identifier"
msgstr "Bus identfikatzaile formatu okerra"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:163
msgid "Amount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card:"
msgstr "Bideo txartelak erabiliko duen memoria kopurua (kB-etan):"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:163
msgid ""
"Typically, the amount of dedicated memory used by the video card is "
"autodetected by the X server, but some integrated video chips (such as the "
"Intel i810) have little or no video memory of their own, and instead borrow "
"main system memory for their needs."
msgstr ""
"Normalean, zure bideo txartelaren memoria dedikatu kopurua X zerbitzariak "
"atzemango du, baina integraturiko zenbait bideo txip-ek (Intel i810 "
"antzerakoak) dedikaturiko memoria gutxi edo batez izan eta sistemaren "
"memoria erabili dezakete beraien beharretarako."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:163
msgid ""
"This parameter should usually be left blank and specified only if the video "
"card lacks RAM, or if the X server has trouble autodetecting the RAM size."
msgstr ""
"Arruntean balio hau zurian utzi dezakezu, bakarrik zure bideo txartelak RAM "
"falta badu edo X zerbitzariak kopurua antzematean arazoak izango balitu "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:174
msgid "XKB rule set to use:"
msgstr "XKB arau bilduma:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:174
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle the keyboard correctly, an XKB rule set must be "
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzariak zure teklatua behar bezala kudeatzeko, XKB arau bilduma bat "
"hautatu behar da."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:174
msgid ""
"Users of most keyboards should enter \"xorg\".  Users of Sun Type 4 and Type "
"5 keyboards, however, should enter \"sun\"."
msgstr ""
"Teklatu gehienen erabiltzaileek \"xorg\" erabili dezakete.  Sun 4 eta 5 "
"motako teklatu erabiltzaileek \"sun\" aukeratu behar dute."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:174
msgid ""
"Experienced users can use any defined XKB rule set.  If the xkb-data package "
"has been unpacked, see the /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules directory for available "
"rule sets."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile aurreratuak ezarritako edozen XKB arau bilduma erabil "
"dezakete.  xkb-data paketea despaketaturik izan bada, begiratu /usr/share/"
"X11/xkb/ rules direktorioa aukeran dauden arau bildumak ikusteko."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:174
msgid "When in doubt, this value should be set to \"xorg\"."
msgstr "Zalantza kasuan, balio hau \"xorg\" bezala ezarri."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:189
msgid "Keyboard model:"
msgstr "Teklatu modeloa:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:189
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle the keyboard correctly, a keyboard model must be "
"entered.  Available models depend on which XKB rule set is in use."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzariak zure teklatua behar bezala kudeatzeko teklatu modeloa ezarri "
"behar da.  Modelo erabilgarriak ezarritako XKB arau bildumaren araberakoak "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:189
msgid ""
" With the \"xorg\" rule set:\n"
" - pc101: traditional IBM PC/AT style keyboard with 101 keys, common in\n"
"          the United States.  Has no \"logo\" or \"menu\" keys;\n"
" - pc104: similar to pc101 model, with additional keys, usually engraved\n"
"          with a \"logo\" symbol and a \"menu\" symbol;\n"
" - pc102: similar to pc101 and often found in Europe. Includes a \"< >\" "
" - pc105: similar to pc104 and often found in Europe. Includes a \"< >\" "
" - macintosh: Macintosh keyboards using the new input layer with Linux\n"
"              keycodes;\n"
" - macintosh_old: Macintosh keyboards not using the new input layer.\n"
" With the \"sun\" rule set:\n"
" - type4: Sun Type4 keyboards;\n"
" - type5: Sun Type5 keyboards."
msgstr ""
" \"xorg\" arau bilduma erabiliaz:\n"
" - pc101: betiko IBM PC/AT motako teklatua 101 tekla dituena, arrunta\n"
"          Estatu Batuetan.  Ez du \"logo\" edo \"menu\" teklarik;\n"
" - pc104: pc101 modeloaren antzekoa, normalean \"logo\" sinboloa eta\n"
"          \"menu\" sinboloa dituztenak;\n"
" - pc102: pc101 antzerakoa baina Europan aurki daitekeena, \"< >\" tekla bat "
" - pc105: pc104 antzerakoa baina Europan aurki daitekeena, \"< >\" tekla bat "
" - macintosh: Macintosh teklatuek sarrera ingurune berri bat darabilte "
"              tekla-kodeekin;\n"
" - macintosh_old: Macintosh teklatua baina ez duena ingurune berria "
" \"sun\" arau bildumaz:\n"
" - type4: Sun Type4 teklatuak;\n"
" - type5: Sun Type4 teklatuak."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:189
msgid ""
"Laptop keyboards often do not have as many keys as standalone models; laptop "
"users should select the keyboard model most closely approximated by the "
msgstr ""
"Portatil teklatuek ez dituzte idazmahai modeloak bezainbeste tekla izaten, "
"portatil erabiltzaileek hurrengoetatik beraiena antzerakoen den teklatua "
"aukeratu behar dute."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:189
msgid ""
"Experienced users can use any model defined by the selected XKB rule set.  "
"If the xkb-data package has been unpacked, see the /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules "
"directory for available rule sets."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile aurreratuek XKB arau bildumak ezarritako edozein teklatu modelo "
"erabili dezakete.  xkb-data paketea despaketaturik izan bada, begiratu /usr/"
"share/X11/xkb/rules direktorioa aukeran dauden arau bildumak ikusteko."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:189
msgid ""
"Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally enter \"pc104\".  Users of "
"most other keyboards should generally enter \"pc105\"."
msgstr ""
"E.B Ingeles teklatu erabiltzaileak normalean \"pc104\" aukeratu behar dute. "
"teklatu gehienen erabiltzaileek \"pc105\" aukeratu behar dute."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:220
msgid "Keyboard layout:"
msgstr "Teklatu ingurunea:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:220
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle the keyboard correctly, a keyboard layout must be "
"entered.  Available layouts depend on which XKB rule set and keyboard model "
"were previously selected."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzariak zure teklatua behar bezala kudeatzeko, teklatu ingurune bat "
"ezarri behar da. Ingurune erabilgarriak ezarririk dauden XKB arau bilduma "
"eta teklatu modeloaren araberakoak dira."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:220
msgid ""
"Experienced users can use any layout supported by the selected XKB rule "
"set.  If the xkb-data package has been unpacked, see the /usr/share/X11/xkb/"
"rules directory for available rule sets."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile aurreratuek XKB arau bildumak ezarritako edozein teklatu "
"ingurune erabili dezakete.  xkb-data paketea despaketaturik izan bada, "
"begiratu /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules direktorioa aukeran dauden teklatu "
"ingurunea ikusteko."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:220
msgid ""
"Users of U.S. English keyboards should enter \"us\".  Users of keyboards "
"localized for other countries should generally enter their ISO 3166 country "
"code.  E.g., France uses \"fr\", and Germany uses \"de\"."
msgstr ""
"EB-tako Ingeles teklatu erabiltzaileek \"us\" ezarri behar dute.  Beren "
"naziorako Pertsonalizatutako teklatuak erabiltzen dituztenek beren nazioko "
"ISO 3166 kodea erabili dezakete arruntean.  Adib, Frantsesak \"fr\" eta "
"Alemaniarrek \"de\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:235
msgid "Keyboard variant:"
msgstr "Teklatu aldagaia:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:235
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle the keyboard as desired, a keyboard variant may "
"be entered.  Available variants depend on which XKB rule set, model, and "
"layout were previously selected."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzariak zure teklatua behar bezala kudeatzeko, teklatu aldagai bat "
"ezarri behar da.  Aldagai erabilgarriak ezarririk dauden XKB arau bilduma, "
"teklatu modelo eta ingurunearen araberakoak dira."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:235
msgid ""
"Many keyboard layouts support an option to treat \"dead\" keys such as non-"
"spacing accent marks and diaereses as normal spacing keys, and if this is "
"the preferred behavior, enter \"nodeadkeys\"."
msgstr ""
"Teklatu ingurune askok \"hildako\" teklak hutsune gabeko azentuazio marka "
"eta dieresiak hutsune arrunt tekla bezala, eta hau bada hobetsiko ingurunea, "
"sar \"nodeadkeys\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:235
msgid ""
"Experienced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  "
"If the xkb-data package has been unpacked, see the /usr/share/X11/xkb/"
"symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for "
"available variants."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile aurreratuek XKB arau bildumak onarturiko edozein aldagai "
"erabili dezakete.  xkb-data paketea despaketaturik izan bada, /usr/share/X11/"
"xkb/rules/symbols direktorioa begiratu aukeratutako inguruneari dagozkion "
"aldagaiak ikusteko."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:235
msgid "Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally leave this entry blank."
msgstr ""
"E.B Ingeles teklatuen erabiltzaileek normalean aukera hau zurian utzi behar "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid "Keyboard options:"
msgstr "Teklatu aukerak:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle the keyboard as desired, keyboard options may be "
"entered.  Available options depend on which XKB rule set was previously "
"selected.  Not all options will work with every keyboard model and layout."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzariak zure teklatua behar bezala kudeatzeko teklatu aukerak ezarri "
"behar dira.  Aukera erabilgarriak aurrerago ezarritako XKB arau bildumaren "
"araberakoak dira.  Aukera guztiek ez dute teklatu modelo eta ingurune "
"guztietan funtzionatuko."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid ""
"For example, if you wish the Caps Lock key to behave as an additional "
"Control key, you may enter \"ctrl:nocaps\"; if you would like to switch the "
"Caps Lock and left Control keys, you may enter \"ctrl:swapcaps\"."
msgstr ""
"Adibidez, Caps Lock tekla Kontrol tekla gehigarri bat bezala erabili nahi "
"izan ezkero, \"ctrl:nocaps\" idatzi beharko zenuke. Caps Lock eta Ezkerreko "
"Kontrol tekla aldatu nahi badituzu, \"ctrl:swapcaps\" idatzi beharko zenuke."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid ""
"As another example, some people prefer having the Meta keys available on "
"their keyboard's Alt keys (this is the default), while other people prefer "
"having the Meta keys on the Windows or \"logo\" keys instead.  If you prefer "
"to use your Windows or logo keys as Meta keys, you may enter \"altwin:"
msgstr ""
"Beste adibide bat, zenbait pertsonek nahiago dute Meta tekla beren teklaren "
"Alt tekletan egotea (hau da lehenetsia) baina beste  batzuek nahiago dute "
"Meta teklak Windows edo \"logo\" tekletan edukitzea. Zuk Windows edo \"logo"
"\" teklak Meta teklak bezala erabili nahi izan ezkero \"altwin:meta_win\" "
"idatzi beharko zenuke."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid ""
"You can combine options by separating them with a comma, for instance \"ctrl:"
msgstr ""
"Aukerak nahasi ditzakezu gako baten bidez bereiziaz, adibidez \"ctrl:nocaps,"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid ""
"Experienced users can use any options compatible with the selected XKB "
"model, layout and variant."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile aurreratuek XKB modelo, ingurune eta aldagiarekin bateragarri "
"diren edozein aukera erabil dezakete."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:253
msgid "When in doubt, this value should be left blank."
msgstr "Zalantza kasuan zurian utzi beharko zenuke."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:279
msgid "Attempt mouse device autodetection?"
msgstr "Sagu gailua atzematen saiatu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:279
msgid ""
"If a mouse is attached to the computer, autodetection can be attempted; it "
"may help to move the mouse while detection is attempted (the gpm program "
"should be stopped if it is used).  Plugging  a PS/2 or bus/inport mouse now "
"requires rebooting."
msgstr ""
"Ordenagailuan sagu bat konektaturik badago, atzematen saiatuko da, "
"lagungarri izan daiteke sagu mugitzea antzematea egiten den bitartean (gpm "
"programa gelditu egin beharko zenuke).  PS/2 edo bus/inport sagu bat "
"konekatzeak berrabiaraztea beharko du."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:279
msgid "Do not choose this option if you wish to select a mouse type manually."
msgstr "Ez hautatu aukera hau sagu mota eskuz ezarri nahi baduzu."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:279
msgid ""
"If you choose it and autodetection fails, you will be asked this question "
"again.  Autodetection can be attempted as many times as desired.  If it "
"succeeds, further configuration questions about the mouse will be pre-"
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau onartu eta auto-antzematea huts egin ezkero, galdera hau berriz "
"egingo zaizu.  Nahi adina alditan saia dezakezu auto-antzematea egiten.  "
"Antzematea arrakastasua bada, zure saguari buruzko hurrengo galderak auto-"
"erantzunak egongo dira."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:295
msgid "Mouse port:"
msgstr "Sagu ataka:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:295
msgid ""
"For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, "
"certain characteristics of the mouse (or other pointing device, such as a "
"trackball) must be known."
msgstr ""
"X Leiho Sistemak behar bezala funtzionatzeko, zure saguaren (edo trackball "
"antzerako beste markatze gailuen) zenbait ezaugarri ezagutu behar dira."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:295
msgid ""
"It is necessary to determine which port (connection type) is used by the "
"mouse. Serial ports use D-shaped connectors with 9 or 25 pins (a.k.a. DB-9 "
"or DB-25); the mouse connector is female (has holes) and the computer "
"connector is male (has pins).  PS/2 ports are small round connectors (DIN) "
"with 6 pins; the mouse connector is male and the computer side female.  You "
"may alternatively use a USB mouse, a bus/inport (very old) mouse, or be "
"using the gpm program as a repeater.  If you need to attach or remove PS/2 "
"or bus/inport devices from your computer, please do so with the computer's "
"power off."
msgstr ""
"Beharrezkoa da zure saguak zein ataka (edo konexio mota) etabiltzen duen "
"jakitea. Serial atakak 9 edo 25 pin (DB-9 edo DB-25) duen D-antzerako "
"konektoreak erabiltzen ditu, sagu konektorea emea da (zuloak ditu) eta "
"ordenagailuaren konektorea harra (pin-ak ditu). PS/2 atakak 6 pin-etako "
"konektore txikiak dira (DIN), sagu konektorea harra da eta ordenagailukoa "
"emea. Bestela USB sagu bat, bus/inport sagua (oso zaharra) edo gpm "
"errepikatzaile gisa programa erabili dezakezu.  Ordenagailutik PS/2 edo bus/"
"inport sagu bat atxikitu edo kendu nahi izan ezkero, mesedez egin ezazu "
"ordenagailua itzalirik dagoela."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:313
msgid "Mouse protocol:"
msgstr "Sagu protokoloa:"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:318
msgid "Emulate 3 button mouse?"
msgstr "3 botoieko sagua gaitu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:318
msgid ""
"Most programs in the X Window System expect the mouse to have 3 buttons "
"(left, right, and middle).  Mice with only 2 buttons can emulate the "
"presence of a middle button by treating simultaneous clicks or drags of the "
"left and right buttons as middle button events."
msgstr ""
"X Leiho Sistemako programa gehienek 3 botoieko sagua (eskuin, ezker eta "
"erdia) izatea espero dute.  2 botoieko saguek hirugarren botoi bat emulatu "
"dezakete bi botoiak batera erabiliaz."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:318
msgid ""
"This option may also be used on mice with 3 or more buttons; the middle "
"button will continue to work normally."
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau 3 edo botoi gehiagoko saguez erabili beharko zen, erdiko botoiak "
"normalki funtzionatzen jarraituko du."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:318
msgid ""
"Note that mouse buttons in excess of five (counting a scroll wheel as two "
"buttons, one each for \"up\" and \"down\", and a third if the wheel \"clicks"
"\") are not yet supported with this configuration tool."
msgstr ""
"Kontutan izan bost botoi baino gehiagoko saguak (korritze errubera bi botoi "
"bezala kontatzen \"gora\" eta \"behera\"; eta hirugarren bat erruberak \"klik"
"\" egiterakoan) ez direla onartzen konfigurazio lanabes honetan."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:334
msgid "Attempt monitor autodetection?"
msgstr "Monitore auto-antzematea saiatu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:334
msgid ""
"Many monitors (including LCD's) and video cards support a communication "
"protocol that allows the monitor's technical characteristics to be "
"communicated back to the computer.  If the monitor and video card support "
"this protocol, further configuration questions about the monitor will be pre-"
msgstr ""
"Zenbait Pantaila (LCD-ak barne) eta bideo txartelek pantailaren ezaugarri "
"teknikoak ordenagailuari berri emateko komunikazio protokolo bat onartzen "
"dute.  Zure pantaila eta bideo txartelak protokolo honen bertsio berdina "
"erabiltzen badute, zure monitoreari buruzko hurrengo galderak aurre-"
"erantzunak egongo dira."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:334
msgid "If autodetection fails, you will be asked for information about the 
msgstr ""
"Auto-antzematea huts egin ezkero, zure monitorearen ezaugarri batzuek "
"galdetuko zaizkizu."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:346
msgid "Method for selecting the monitor characteristics:"
msgstr "Monitorearen ezaugarriak aukeratzeko metodoa.:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:346
msgid ""
"For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, "
"certain characteristics of the monitor must be known."
msgstr ""
"X Leiho Sistemak behar bezala lan egiteko, zure monitorearen ezaugarri batzu "
"ezagutu behar dituzu."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:346
msgid ""
"The \"simple\" option will prompt about the monitor's physical size; this "
"will set some configuration values appropriate for a typical CRT of the "
"corresponding size, but may be suboptimal for high-quality CRT's."
msgstr ""
"\"sinple\" aukeran monitorearen tamaina fisikoa bakarrik eskatuko zaizu; "
"honek tamaina horretako CRT monitore batentzako balio aproposak ezarriko "
"ditu, baina egokiena baina baxuagoa izan daiteke kalitate handiko CRT "
"monitore bat baduzu. "

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:346
msgid ""
"The \"medium\" option will present you with a list of resolutions and "
"refresh rates, such as \"800x600 @ 85Hz\"; you should choose the best mode "
"you wish to use (and that you know the monitor is capable of)."
msgstr ""
"\"Ertaina\" aukerak erresoluzio eta freskatze tasa zerrenda bat bistaraziko "
"du, \"800x600 @ 85Hz\" bezalakoak; zuk erabili nahi duzun modurik egokiena "
"(eta zure monitoreak onartzen duena) aukeratu behar duzu."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:346
msgid ""
"The \"advanced\" option will let you specify the monitor's horizontal sync "
"and vertical refresh tolerances directly."
msgstr ""
"\"Aurreratua\" aukerak zure monitorearen sinkronismo horizontal eta "
"bertikala eskuz ezartzeko aukera emango dizu."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:363
msgid ""
"Up to 14 inches (355 mm), 15 inches (380 mm), 17 inches (430 mm), 19-20 "
"inches (480-510 mm), 21 inches (530 mm) or more"
msgstr ""
"14 hatzbete (355 mm),, 15 hatzbete (380 mm), hatzbete (430 mm), 19-20 "
"hatzbete (480-510 mm), 21 hatzbete (530 mm) edo gehiago"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:365
msgid "Approximate monitor size:"
msgstr "Monitorearen tamaina:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:365
msgid "High-quality CRT's may be able to use the next highest size category."
msgstr ""
"Kalitate handiko CRT monitoreak hurrengo tamaina handieneko kategoria "
"erabiltzeko gai izan beharko lirateke."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:372
msgid "Monitor's best video mode:"
msgstr "Monitorearen bideo modu egokiena:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:372
msgid ""
"Choose the \"best\" resolution and refresh rate the monitor is capable of.  "
"Larger resolutions and refresh rates are better.  With a CRT monitor, it is "
"perfectly acceptable to select a \"worse\" video mode than the monitor's "
"best if you wish.  Users of LCD displays may also be able to do this, but "
"only if both the video chipset and the driver support it; if in doubt, use "
"the video mode recommended by the manufacturer of your LCD."
msgstr ""
"Zure pantailak erabili dezakeen freskatze tasa eta erresoluzio handienak "
"(\"best\") aukeratu.  Erresoluzio eta freskatze tasa handiagoak hobeak "
"dira.  Zuk CRT pantaila bai izan ezkero, onargarria da pantailaren hoberena "
"baino bideo modu okerrago (\"worse\") aukeratzea.  LCD pantailen "
"erabiltzaileek ere hau egin dezakete, baina bideo kontrolatzaile eta txip-"
"jokoak onartzen duen kasuan, zalantza kasuan LCD pantaila garatzaileak "
"gomendaturiko bideo modua erabili."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:382
msgid "Identifier for the monitor:"
msgstr "Monitorearentzat identifikatzailea idatzi:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:382
msgid ""
"The X server configuration file associates the monitor with a name that you "
"may provide.  This is usually the vendor or brand name followed by the model "
"name, e.g., \"Sony E200\" or \"Dell E770s\"."
msgstr ""
"X zerbitzariak zure monitorea emango duzun izenarekin lotuko du. Hau "
"arruntean saltzaile edo produktu izena modeloaz jarraiturik izaten da, "
"adib., \"Sony E200\" edo \"Dell E770s\"."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:389
msgid "Write monitor sync ranges to the configuration file?"
msgstr "Idatzi monitore sinkronia eremuak konfigurazio fitxategian?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:389
msgid ""
"The monitor synchronization ranges should be autodetected by the X server in "
"most cases, but sometimes it needs hinting.  This option is for experienced "
"users, and should be left at its default."
msgstr ""
"Pantailaren sinkronizazio eremuak normalean X zerbitzariak atzemango ditu, "
"baina batzuetan laguntza beharko du.  Aukera hau erabiltzaile "
"aurreratuentzat da eta dagoen bezala utzi beharko zen."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:396
msgid "Monitor's horizontal sync range:"
msgstr "Monitorearen freskatze horizontal eremua:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:396
msgid ""
"Please enter either a comma-separated list of discrete values (for fixed-"
"frequency displays), or a pair of values separated by a dash (all modern "
"CRT's).  This information should be available in the monitor's manual.  "
"Values lower than 30 or higher than 130 are extremely rare."
msgstr ""
"Mesedez idatzi gakoz bereiziriko balio zerrenda bat (pantaila "
"frekuentziekin), edo marratxo batez bereiziriko balio parea (CRT "
"berrientzat).  Informazio hau zure pantailaren manualean eskuragarri izango "
"duzu.  30 baino balio txikiagoak  edo 130 baino balio handiagoak oso "
"arraroak dira."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:404
msgid "Monitor's vertical refresh range:"
msgstr "Monitorearen freskatze bertikal eremua:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:404
msgid ""
"Please enter either a comma-separated list of discrete values (for fixed-"
"frequency displays), or a pair of values separated by a dash (all modern "
"CRT's).  This information should be available in the monitor's manual.  "
"Values lower than 50 or higher than 160 are extremely rare."
msgstr ""
"Mesedez idatzi gakoz bereiziriko balio zerrenda bat (pantaila "
"frekuentziekin), edo marratxo batez bereiziriko balio parea (CRT "
"berrientzat).  Informazio hau zure pantailaren manualean eskuragarri izango "
"duzu.  50 baino balio txikiagoak  edo 160 baino balio handiagoak oso "
"arraroak dira."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:412
msgid "Incorrect values entered"
msgstr "balio okerrak eman dira"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:412
msgid ""
"The valid syntax is a comma-separated list of discrete values, or a pair of "
"values separated by a dash."
msgstr ""
"Sintaxi egokia gakoz bereiziriko balio zerrenda edo marratxo batez bereiziko "
"balio bikotea izan daitezke."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:420
msgid "Video modes to be used by the X server:"
msgstr "X zerbitzariak erabiliko duen bideo modua:"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:420
msgid ""
"Please keep only the resolutions you would like the X server to use.  "
"Removing all of them is the same as removing none, since in both cases the X "
"server will attempt to use the highest possible resolution."
msgstr ""
"Hemen zure hardwareak onartzen ez dituelako X zerbitzariak erabiltzerik ez "
"duzun nahi erresoluzio batenbat egon ezkero, ezabatu ezazu beheko "
"zerrendatik.  Denak ezabatzeak batez ezabatzeak duen portaera berdina "
"lortzen du, X zerbitzariak ahal duen erresoluzio handiena erabiltzen "
"saiatuko bait da."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:429
msgid "Desired default color depth in bits:"
msgstr "Lehenetsiriko kolore sakonera bit-etan:."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:429
msgid ""
"Usually 24-bit color is desirable, but on graphics cards with limited "
"amounts of framebuffer memory, higher resolutions may be achieved at the "
"expense of higher color depth.  Also, some cards support hardware 3D "
"acceleration only for certain depths.  Consult your video card manual for "
"more information."
msgstr ""
"Normalean 24-bit kolorea da desiragarria, baina memoria gutxiko txartel "
"grafikoetan, erresoluzio handiak kolore sakonera txikiagoak erabiliaz lor "
"daitezke.  Kasu batzuetan ere zenbait  hardware zenbait sakontasunetara  "
"bakarrik funtzionatzen dute.  Begiratu zure bideo txartelaren manuala "
"argibide gehiagorako."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:429
msgid ""
"So-called \"32-bit color\" is actually 24 bits of color information plus 8 "
"bits of alpha channel or simple zero padding; the X Window System can handle "
"both.  If you want either, select 24 bits."
msgstr ""
"Ere \"32-bit kolorea\" deiturikoa, gaur egun24 bit informazioa gehi alpha "
"kanal edo hutsez beteriko 8 bit-ek  osatzen dute; X Leiho Sistemak biak "
"kudea ditzake.  Biak nahi izan ezkero, 24 bit aukeratu."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:441
msgid "Empty value"
msgstr "Balio hutsa"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:441
msgid "A null entry is not permitted for this value."
msgstr "Ez da sarrera hutsik onartzen balio honentzat."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:446
msgid "Invalid double-quote characters"
msgstr "Gako bikoitz karaktere baliogabeak"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:446
msgid "Double-quote (\") characters are not permitted in the entry value."
msgstr "Gako bikoitz (\") karaktereak ez dira onartzen sarrera honetan"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:451
msgid "Numerical value needed"
msgstr "Zenbakizko balio bat behar da"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:451
msgid "Characters other than digits are not allowed in the entry."
msgstr "Zenbakiak ez diren karaktererik ez da onartzen sarrera honetan"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:457
msgid "Autodetect keyboard layout?"
msgstr "Atzeman teklatu ingurunea."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:457
msgid ""
"The default keyboard layout selection for the Xorg server will be based on a "
"combination of the language and the keyboard layout selected in the "
msgstr ""
"Xorg zerbitzariaren lehenetsiriko teklatu ingurune ezarpena hizkuntza eta "
"instalatzailean aukeratutako teklatu ingurunearen elkartean oinarrituko da."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xorg.templates:457
msgid ""
"Choose this option if you want the keyboard layout to be redetected.  Do not "
"choose it if you want to keep your current layout."
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau onartu teklatu ingurunera berriz antzematea nahi baduzu.  Alde "
"batetara utzi ingurunea mantendu nahi baduzu."

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