
I have found the same problem exists with other cards. ie I810 on board and a Nvidia MX440 pci.

It all comes down to the Xserver being unable to initialise the second video card, and the bios not wanting to.

I am currently running 2.6.16-1-686. I am running with both cards, thou I had to fiddle a bit.

The procedure I used was;

start up and only go to run level 1
load the sisfb module.

It complains that the sis bios is not initialised and it can't do that.

Run X and it all comes up fine.

Kill X

go to Run level 2, and I'm away laughing.

I will try a different kernel version. I currently have available 2.6.14-2-386 and 2.6.14-2-686.

I can also install from stable version 2.6.8-2-686

Wish me luck.


On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 14:55 -0300, Gustavo Franco wrote:
Which kernel you're using ? If you've a previous kernel (2.6.12,
.13, .14) could you reboot with each old one and test, please?

The point is that i reproduced this bug using Xorg 7 and
2.6.15, in other distribution, downgrading to 2.6.12 worked
around the bug. I don't know about 2.6.13 and 2.6.14.

Gustavo Franco - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Fran Firman
System Support Specialist
+64 9 3635883
+64 9 3794790

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