Author: dnusinow
Date: 2006-02-26 17:47:33 -0500 (Sun, 26 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 1321

* Apply ppc-fix.patch and incorporate it in to our patch system instead of
  just having it sit in the debian directory

--- branches/modular/driver/xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-     
2006-02-26 22:43:51 UTC (rev 1320)
+++ branches/modular/driver/xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-     
2006-02-26 22:47:33 UTC (rev 1321)
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
   * Port patches from trunk
     + general/043_ati_r128_update_chip_identification.diff
+  * Apply ppc-fix.patch and incorporate it in to our patch system instead of
+    just having it sit in the debian directory
- -- David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 26 Feb 2006 17:42:45 -0500
+ -- David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 26 Feb 2006 17:46:59 -0500
 xserver-xorg-video-ati (1: experimental; urgency=low

       2006-02-26 22:43:51 UTC (rev 1320)
       2006-02-26 22:47:33 UTC (rev 1321)
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Index: xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-
+--- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-   2006-01-12 
22:54:09.000000000 -0500
++++ xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-        2006-02-26 
17:46:29.000000000 -0500
+@@ -147,10 +147,16 @@
+     CARD32            cap0_trig_cntl;
+     CARD32            cap1_trig_cntl;
+     CARD32            bus_cntl;
+-    CARD32            surface_cntl;
+     CARD32            bios_4_scratch;
+     CARD32            bios_5_scratch;
+     CARD32            bios_6_scratch;
++    CARD32            surface_cntl;
++    CARD32            surfaces[8][3];
++    CARD32            mc_agp_location;
++    CARD32            mc_fb_location;
++    CARD32            display_base_addr;
++    CARD32            display2_base_addr;
++    CARD32            ov0_base_addr;
+                               /* Other registers to save for VT switches */
+     CARD32            dp_datatype;
+@@ -158,8 +164,6 @@
+     CARD32            clock_cntl_index;
+     CARD32            amcgpio_en_reg;
+     CARD32            amcgpio_mask;
+-    CARD32            surfaces[8][3];
+                               /* CRTC registers */
+     CARD32            crtc_gen_cntl;
+Index: xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-
+--- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0-    2006-01-12 
22:54:09.000000000 -0500
++++ xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0- 2006-02-26 
17:46:30.000000000 -0500
+@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
+ static int RADEONValidateMergeModes(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn);
+ static void RADEONSetDynamicClock(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int mode);
+ static void RADEONUpdatePanelSize(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn);
++static void RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONSavePtr save);
+ /* psuedo xinerama support */
+@@ -2253,81 +2254,56 @@
+ }
+ /* Set up MC_FB_LOCATION and related registers */
+-static void
+-RADEONSetFBLocation(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn)
++static void RADEONInitMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,RADEONSavePtr save,
++                                    RADEONInfoPtr info)
+ {
+-    RADEONInfoPtr  info = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
+     RADEONEntPtr pRADEONEnt = RADEONEntPriv(pScrn);
+     unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
+-    CARD32 mc_fb_location;
+-    CARD32 mc_agp_location = INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION);
+-    CARD32 bus_cntl = INREG(RADEON_BUS_CNTL);
+-    RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
+-    /* This function has many problems with newer cards.
+-     * Even with older cards, all registers changed here are not
+-     * restored properly when X quits, this will also cause 
+-     * various problems, especially with radeonfb.
+-     * Since we don't have DRI support for R300 and above cards, 
+-     * we just hardcode these values for now.
+-     * Need to revisit this whole function!!!
+-     */
++    /* Default to existing values */
++    save->mc_fb_location = INREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION);
++    save->mc_agp_location = INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION);
++    /*
++     * Warning: A lot of the stuff down there is fairly bogus. For example,
++     * we use CONFIG_APER_SIZE which is only _half_ of the PCI exposed area
++     * since we might expose our VRAM in 2 different non overlapping apertures
++     * depending on how the card is bootstrapped.
++     *
++     * This will have to be fixed some day ...
++     */
+     if (info->IsIGP) {
+-      mc_fb_location = INREG(RADEON_NB_TOM);
++      save->mc_fb_location = INREG(RADEON_NB_TOM);
++      /* Hack ... FIXME or at least move elsewhere*/
+              INREG(RADEON_GRPH2_BUFFER_CNTL) & ~0x7f0000);
+     } else
+ #ifdef XF86DRI
+     if ( info->directRenderingEnabled && info->drmMinor < 10 ) {
+-      mc_fb_location = (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1) & 0xffff0000U;
++      save->mc_fb_location = (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1) & 
+     } else
+ #endif
+     {
+       CARD32 aper0_base = INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_0_BASE);
+-      mc_fb_location = (aper0_base >> 16)
+-                     | ((aper0_base + (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1)
+-                         ) & 0xffff0000U);
++      save->mc_fb_location = (aper0_base >> 16)
++              | ((aper0_base + (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1)
++                  ) & 0xffff0000U);
+     }
+-    info->fbLocation = (mc_fb_location & 0xffff) << 16;
++    info->fbLocation = (save->mc_fb_location & 0xffff) << 16;
+-    if (((mc_agp_location & 0xffff) << 16) !=
+-      ((mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U) + 0x10000)) {
+-      mc_agp_location = mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U;
+-      mc_agp_location |= (mc_agp_location + 0x10000) >> 16;
++    if (((save->mc_agp_location & 0xffff) << 16) !=
++      ((save->mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U) + 0x10000)) {
++      save->mc_agp_location = save->mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U;
++      save->mc_agp_location |= (save->mc_agp_location + 0x10000) >> 16;
+     }
+-    RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
+-    OUTREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION, mc_fb_location);
+-    OUTREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION, mc_agp_location);
+-    OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY_BASE_ADDR, info->fbLocation);
+-    if (info->HasCRTC2)
+-      OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY2_BASE_ADDR, info->fbLocation);
+-    OUTREG(RADEON_OV0_BASE_ADDR, info->fbLocation);
+-    OUTREG (RADEON_BUS_CNTL, bus_cntl);
+-    RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
+-    /* Set display0/1 priority up on r3/4xx in the memory controller for 
+-     * high res modes if the user specifies HIGH for displaypriority 
+-     * option.
+-     */
+-    if ((info->DispPriority == 2) && IS_R300_VARIANT) {
+-        CARD32 mc_init_misc_lat_timer = INREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER);
+-      if (info->MergedFB || pRADEONEnt->HasSecondary) {
+-          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x1100; /* display 0 and 1 */
+-      } else {
+-          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x0100; /* display 0 only */
+-      }
+-      OUTREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER, mc_init_misc_lat_timer);
+-    }
++    save->display_base_addr = info->fbLocation;
++    save->display2_base_addr = info->fbLocation;
++    save->ov0_base_addr = info->fbLocation;
+ }
+@@ -5518,6 +5494,8 @@
+       unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
+       if (!fbdevHWModeInit(pScrn, pScrn->currentMode)) return FALSE;
++      RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(pScrn, &info->ModeReg);
++      info->fbLocation = (info->ModeReg.mc_fb_location & 0xffff) << 16;
+       info->ModeReg.surface_cntl = INREG(RADEON_SURFACE_CNTL);
+     } else {
+       if (!RADEONModeInit(pScrn, pScrn->currentMode)) return FALSE;
+@@ -5605,8 +5583,6 @@
+     hasDRI = info->directRenderingEnabled;
+ #endif
+-    RADEONSetFBLocation(pScrn);
+     if (!fbScreenInit(pScreen, info->FB,
+                     pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->virtualY,
+                     pScrn->xDpi, pScrn->yDpi, pScrn->displayWidth,
+@@ -5837,7 +5813,66 @@
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+-/* Write common registers (initialized to 0) */
++/* Write memory mapping registers */
++static void RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
++                                       RADEONSavePtr restore)
++    RADEONInfoPtr  info       = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
++    unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
++    int i;
++    /* Write memory mapping registers only if their value change
++     * since we must ensure no access is done while they are
++     * reprogrammed
++     */
++    if (INREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION) != restore->mc_fb_location ||
++      INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION) != restore->mc_agp_location) {
++      CARD32 tmp;
++      /* Make sure engine is idle. We assume the CCE is stopped
++       * at this point
++       */
++      RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
++      /* Stop display & memory access */
++      tmp &= ~RADEON_CRTC_CUR_EN;
++      tmp |= RADEON_CRTC_DISP_REQ_EN_B;
++      if (info->HasCRTC2) {
++              tmp = INREG(RADEON_CRTC2_GEN_CNTL);
++              tmp &= ~RADEON_CRTC2_CUR_EN;
++              tmp |= RADEON_CRTC2_DISP_DIS | RADEON_CRTC2_DISP_REQ_EN_B;
++              OUTREG(RADEON_CRTC2_GEN_CNTL, tmp);
++      }
++      tmp &= ~RADEON_SCALER_ENABLE;
++      /* Clear all surfaces */
++      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++          OUTREG(RADEON_SURFACE0_INFO + 16 * i, 0);
++          OUTREG(RADEON_SURFACE0_LOWER_BOUND + 16 * i, 0);
++          OUTREG(RADEON_SURFACE0_UPPER_BOUND + 16 * i, 0);
++      }
++      /* Make sure the chip settles down and set new map*/ 
++      usleep(100000);
++      OUTREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION, restore->mc_fb_location);
++      OUTREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION, restore->mc_agp_location);
++      /* Make sure map fully reached the chip */
++    }
++    /* Restore base addresses */
++    OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY_BASE_ADDR, restore->display_base_addr);
++    OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY2_BASE_ADDR, restore->display2_base_addr);
++    OUTREG(RADEON_OV0_BASE_ADDR, restore->ov0_base_addr);
++/* Write common registers */
+ static void RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
+                                        RADEONSavePtr restore)
+ {
+@@ -6457,6 +6492,7 @@
+     /* For Non-dual head card, we don't have private field in the Entity */
+     if (!info->HasCRTC2) {
++      RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+       RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+       RADEONRestoreCrtcRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+       RADEONRestoreFPRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+@@ -6474,10 +6510,12 @@
+      * order. Regardless the order of X server issuing the calls, we
+      * have to ensure we set registers in the right order!!!  Otherwise
+      * we may get a blank screen.
++     *
++     * We always restore MemMap first, the saverec should be up to date
++     * in all cases
+      */
+     if (info->IsSecondary) {
+-      if (!pRADEONEnt->RestorePrimary  && !info->IsSwitching)
+-          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
++      RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+       RADEONRestoreCrtc2Registers(pScrn, restore);
+       RADEONRestorePLL2Registers(pScrn, restore);
+@@ -6488,15 +6526,14 @@
+       if (pRADEONEnt->RestorePrimary) {
+           pRADEONEnt->RestorePrimary = FALSE;
++          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
+           RADEONRestoreCrtcRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
+           RADEONRestoreFPRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
+           RADEONRestorePLLRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
+           pRADEONEnt->IsSecondaryRestored = FALSE;
+       }
+     } else {
+-      if (!pRADEONEnt->IsSecondaryRestored)
+-          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
++      RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+       if (info->MergedFB) {
+           RADEONRestoreCrtc2Registers(pScrn, restore);
+           RADEONRestorePLL2Registers(pScrn, restore);
+@@ -6506,6 +6543,7 @@
+           info->IsSwitching) {
+           pRADEONEnt->IsSecondaryRestored = FALSE;
++          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+           RADEONRestoreCrtcRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+           RADEONRestoreFPRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+           RADEONRestorePLLRegisters(pScrn, restore);
+@@ -6520,6 +6558,19 @@
+ #endif
+ }
++/* Read memory map */
++static void RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONSavePtr save)
++    RADEONInfoPtr  info       = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
++    unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
++    save->mc_fb_location     = INREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION);
++    save->mc_agp_location    = INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION);
++    save->display_base_addr  = INREG(RADEON_DISPLAY_BASE_ADDR);
++    save->display2_base_addr = INREG(RADEON_DISPLAY2_BASE_ADDR);
++    save->ov0_base_addr      = INREG(RADEON_OV0_BASE_ADDR);
+ /* Read common registers */
+ static void RADEONSaveCommonRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONSavePtr save)
+ {
+@@ -6703,6 +6754,7 @@
+     RADEONInfoPtr  info = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
+     RADEONTRACE(("RADEONSaveMode(%p)\n", save));
++    RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(pScrn, save);
+     RADEONSaveCommonRegisters(pScrn, save);
+     if (info->IsSecondary) {
+       RADEONSaveCrtc2Registers(pScrn, save);
+@@ -6731,6 +6783,7 @@
+     RADEONTRACE(("RADEONSave\n"));
+     if (info->FBDev) {
++      RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(pScrn, save);
+       fbdevHWSave(pScrn);
+       return;
+     }
+@@ -6914,6 +6967,22 @@
+     int stop_req, max_stop_req;
+     float read_return_rate, time_disp1_drop_priority;
++    /* 
++     * Set display0/1 priority up on r3/4xx in the memory controller for 
++     * high res modes if the user specifies HIGH for displaypriority 
++     * option.
++     */
++    if ((info->DispPriority == 2) && IS_R300_VARIANT) {
++        CARD32 mc_init_misc_lat_timer = INREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER);
++      if (info->MergedFB || pRADEONEnt->HasSecondary) {
++          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x1100; /* display 0 and 1 */
++      } else {
++          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x0100; /* display 0 only */
++      }
++      OUTREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER, mc_init_misc_lat_timer);
++    }
+     /* R420 family not supported yet */
+     if (info->ChipFamily == CHIP_FAMILY_R420) return; 
+@@ -8016,6 +8085,7 @@
+     info->Flags = mode->Flags;
++    RADEONInitMemMapRegisters(pScrn, save, info);
+     RADEONInitCommonRegisters(save, info);
+     if (info->IsSecondary) {
+       if (!RADEONInitCrtc2Registers(pScrn, save, mode, info))
+@@ -8396,7 +8466,6 @@
+     } else
+       if (!RADEONModeInit(pScrn, pScrn->currentMode)) return FALSE;
+-    RADEONSetFBLocation(pScrn);
+     if (!info->IsSecondary)
+       RADEONRestoreSurfaces(pScrn, &info->ModeReg);
+ #ifdef XF86DRI

    2006-02-26 22:43:51 UTC (rev 1320)
    2006-02-26 22:47:33 UTC (rev 1321)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

--- branches/modular/driver/xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0- 
2006-02-26 22:43:51 UTC (rev 1320)
+++ branches/modular/driver/xf86-video-ati-X11R7.0- 
2006-02-26 22:47:33 UTC (rev 1321)
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN xc-COMMIT/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon.h 
---- xc-COMMIT/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon.h 2005-10-10 
15:42:37.000000000 +1000
-+++ xc-HEAD/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon.h   2005-10-24 
10:41:14.000000000 +1000
-@@ -146,10 +146,16 @@
-     CARD32            cap0_trig_cntl;
-     CARD32            cap1_trig_cntl;
-     CARD32            bus_cntl;
--    CARD32            surface_cntl;
-     CARD32            bios_4_scratch;
-     CARD32            bios_5_scratch;
-     CARD32            bios_6_scratch;
-+    CARD32            surface_cntl;
-+    CARD32            surfaces[8][3];
-+    CARD32            mc_agp_location;
-+    CARD32            mc_fb_location;
-+    CARD32            display_base_addr;
-+    CARD32            display2_base_addr;
-+    CARD32            ov0_base_addr;
-                               /* Other registers to save for VT switches */
-     CARD32            dp_datatype;
-@@ -157,8 +163,6 @@
-     CARD32            clock_cntl_index;
-     CARD32            amcgpio_en_reg;
-     CARD32            amcgpio_mask;
--    CARD32            surfaces[8][3];
-                               /* CRTC registers */
-     CARD32            crtc_gen_cntl;
-diff -urN xc-COMMIT/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_driver.c 
---- xc-COMMIT/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_driver.c  
2005-10-10 15:42:37.000000000 +1000
-+++ xc-HEAD/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_driver.c    
2005-10-24 11:30:54.000000000 +1000
-@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
- static int RADEONValidateMergeModes(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn);
- static void RADEONSetDynamicClock(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int mode);
- static void RADEONUpdatePanelSize(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn);
-+static void RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONSavePtr save);
- /* psuedo xinerama support */
-@@ -2238,81 +2239,56 @@
- }
- /* Set up MC_FB_LOCATION and related registers */
--static void
--RADEONSetFBLocation(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn)
-+static void RADEONInitMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,RADEONSavePtr save,
-+                                    RADEONInfoPtr info)
- {
--    RADEONInfoPtr  info = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
-     RADEONEntPtr pRADEONEnt = RADEONEntPriv(pScrn);
-     unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
--    CARD32 mc_fb_location;
--    CARD32 mc_agp_location = INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION);
--    CARD32 bus_cntl = INREG(RADEON_BUS_CNTL);
--    RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
--    /* This function has many problems with newer cards.
--     * Even with older cards, all registers changed here are not
--     * restored properly when X quits, this will also cause 
--     * various problems, especially with radeonfb.
--     * Since we don't have DRI support for R300 and above cards, 
--     * we just hardcode these values for now.
--     * Need to revisit this whole function!!!
--     */
-+    /* Default to existing values */
-+    save->mc_fb_location = INREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION);
-+    save->mc_agp_location = INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION);
-+    /*
-+     * Warning: A lot of the stuff down there is fairly bogus. For example,
-+     * we use CONFIG_APER_SIZE which is only _half_ of the PCI exposed area
-+     * since we might expose our VRAM in 2 different non overlapping apertures
-+     * depending on how the card is bootstrapped.
-+     *
-+     * This will have to be fixed some day ...
-+     */
-     if (info->IsIGP) {
--      mc_fb_location = INREG(RADEON_NB_TOM);
-+      save->mc_fb_location = INREG(RADEON_NB_TOM);
-+      /* Hack ... FIXME or at least move elsewhere*/
-              INREG(RADEON_GRPH2_BUFFER_CNTL) & ~0x7f0000);
-     } else
- #ifdef XF86DRI
-     if ( info->directRenderingEnabled && info->drmMinor < 10 ) {
--      mc_fb_location = (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1) & 0xffff0000U;
-+      save->mc_fb_location = (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1) & 
-     } else
- #endif
-     {
-       CARD32 aper0_base = INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_0_BASE);
--      mc_fb_location = (aper0_base >> 16)
--                     | ((aper0_base + (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1)
--                         ) & 0xffff0000U);
-+      save->mc_fb_location = (aper0_base >> 16)
-+              | ((aper0_base + (INREG(RADEON_CONFIG_APER_SIZE) - 1)
-+                  ) & 0xffff0000U);
-     }
--    info->fbLocation = (mc_fb_location & 0xffff) << 16;
-+    info->fbLocation = (save->mc_fb_location & 0xffff) << 16;
--    if (((mc_agp_location & 0xffff) << 16) !=
--      ((mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U) + 0x10000)) {
--      mc_agp_location = mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U;
--      mc_agp_location |= (mc_agp_location + 0x10000) >> 16;
-+    if (((save->mc_agp_location & 0xffff) << 16) !=
-+      ((save->mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U) + 0x10000)) {
-+      save->mc_agp_location = save->mc_fb_location & 0xffff0000U;
-+      save->mc_agp_location |= (save->mc_agp_location + 0x10000) >> 16;
-     }
--    RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
--    OUTREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION, mc_fb_location);
--    OUTREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION, mc_agp_location);
--    OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY_BASE_ADDR, info->fbLocation);
--    if (info->HasCRTC2)
--      OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY2_BASE_ADDR, info->fbLocation);
--    OUTREG(RADEON_OV0_BASE_ADDR, info->fbLocation);
--    OUTREG (RADEON_BUS_CNTL, bus_cntl);
--    RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
--    /* Set display0/1 priority up on r3/4xx in the memory controller for 
--     * high res modes if the user specifies HIGH for displaypriority 
--     * option.
--     */
--    if ((info->DispPriority == 2) && IS_R300_VARIANT) {
--        CARD32 mc_init_misc_lat_timer = INREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER);
--      if (info->MergedFB || pRADEONEnt->HasSecondary) {
--          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x1100; /* display 0 and 1 */
--      } else {
--          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x0100; /* display 0 only */
--      }
--      OUTREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER, mc_init_misc_lat_timer);
--    }
-+    save->display_base_addr = info->fbLocation;
-+    save->display2_base_addr = info->fbLocation;
-+    save->ov0_base_addr = info->fbLocation;
- }
-@@ -5503,6 +5479,8 @@
-       unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
-       if (!fbdevHWModeInit(pScrn, pScrn->currentMode)) return FALSE;
-+      RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(pScrn, &info->ModeReg);
-+      info->fbLocation = (info->ModeReg.mc_fb_location & 0xffff) << 16;
-       info->ModeReg.surface_cntl = INREG(RADEON_SURFACE_CNTL);
-     } else {
-       if (!RADEONModeInit(pScrn, pScrn->currentMode)) return FALSE;
-@@ -5590,8 +5568,6 @@
-     hasDRI = info->directRenderingEnabled;
- #endif
--    RADEONSetFBLocation(pScrn);
-     if (!fbScreenInit(pScreen, info->FB,
-                     pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->virtualY,
-                     pScrn->xDpi, pScrn->yDpi, pScrn->displayWidth,
-@@ -5830,7 +5806,66 @@
-     return TRUE;
- }
--/* Write common registers (initialized to 0) */
-+/* Write memory mapping registers */
-+static void RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
-+                                       RADEONSavePtr restore)
-+    RADEONInfoPtr  info       = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
-+    unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
-+    int i;
-+    /* Write memory mapping registers only if their value change
-+     * since we must ensure no access is done while they are
-+     * reprogrammed
-+     */
-+    if (INREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION) != restore->mc_fb_location ||
-+      INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION) != restore->mc_agp_location) {
-+      CARD32 tmp;
-+      /* Make sure engine is idle. We assume the CCE is stopped
-+       * at this point
-+       */
-+      RADEONWaitForIdleMMIO(pScrn);
-+      /* Stop display & memory access */
-+      tmp &= ~RADEON_CRTC_CUR_EN;
-+      tmp |= RADEON_CRTC_DISP_REQ_EN_B;
-+      if (info->HasCRTC2) {
-+              tmp = INREG(RADEON_CRTC2_GEN_CNTL);
-+              tmp &= ~RADEON_CRTC2_CUR_EN;
-+              tmp |= RADEON_CRTC2_DISP_DIS | RADEON_CRTC2_DISP_REQ_EN_B;
-+              OUTREG(RADEON_CRTC2_GEN_CNTL, tmp);
-+      }
-+      tmp &= ~RADEON_SCALER_ENABLE;
-+      /* Clear all surfaces */
-+      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-+          OUTREG(RADEON_SURFACE0_INFO + 16 * i, 0);
-+          OUTREG(RADEON_SURFACE0_LOWER_BOUND + 16 * i, 0);
-+          OUTREG(RADEON_SURFACE0_UPPER_BOUND + 16 * i, 0);
-+      }
-+      /* Make sure the chip settles down and set new map*/ 
-+      usleep(100000);
-+      OUTREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION, restore->mc_fb_location);
-+      OUTREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION, restore->mc_agp_location);
-+      /* Make sure map fully reached the chip */
-+    }
-+    /* Restore base addresses */
-+    OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY_BASE_ADDR, restore->display_base_addr);
-+    OUTREG(RADEON_DISPLAY2_BASE_ADDR, restore->display2_base_addr);
-+    OUTREG(RADEON_OV0_BASE_ADDR, restore->ov0_base_addr);
-+/* Write common registers */
- static void RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn,
-                                        RADEONSavePtr restore)
- {
-@@ -6450,6 +6485,7 @@
-     /* For Non-dual head card, we don't have private field in the Entity */
-     if (!info->HasCRTC2) {
-+      RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-       RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-       RADEONRestoreCrtcRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-       RADEONRestoreFPRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-@@ -6467,10 +6503,12 @@
-      * order. Regardless the order of X server issuing the calls, we
-      * have to ensure we set registers in the right order!!!  Otherwise
-      * we may get a blank screen.
-+     *
-+     * We always restore MemMap first, the saverec should be up to date
-+     * in all cases
-      */
-     if (info->IsSecondary) {
--      if (!pRADEONEnt->RestorePrimary  && !info->IsSwitching)
--          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-+      RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-       RADEONRestoreCrtc2Registers(pScrn, restore);
-       RADEONRestorePLL2Registers(pScrn, restore);
-@@ -6481,15 +6519,14 @@
-       if (pRADEONEnt->RestorePrimary) {
-           pRADEONEnt->RestorePrimary = FALSE;
-+          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
-           RADEONRestoreCrtcRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
-           RADEONRestoreFPRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
-           RADEONRestorePLLRegisters(pScrn, &restore0);
-           pRADEONEnt->IsSecondaryRestored = FALSE;
-       }
-     } else {
--      if (!pRADEONEnt->IsSecondaryRestored)
--          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-+      RADEONRestoreMemMapRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-       if (info->MergedFB) {
-           RADEONRestoreCrtc2Registers(pScrn, restore);
-           RADEONRestorePLL2Registers(pScrn, restore);
-@@ -6499,6 +6536,7 @@
-           info->IsSwitching) {
-           pRADEONEnt->IsSecondaryRestored = FALSE;
-+          RADEONRestoreCommonRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-           RADEONRestoreCrtcRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-           RADEONRestoreFPRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-           RADEONRestorePLLRegisters(pScrn, restore);
-@@ -6513,6 +6551,19 @@
- #endif
- }
-+/* Read memory map */
-+static void RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONSavePtr save)
-+    RADEONInfoPtr  info       = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
-+    unsigned char *RADEONMMIO = info->MMIO;
-+    save->mc_fb_location     = INREG(RADEON_MC_FB_LOCATION);
-+    save->mc_agp_location    = INREG(RADEON_MC_AGP_LOCATION);
-+    save->display_base_addr  = INREG(RADEON_DISPLAY_BASE_ADDR);
-+    save->display2_base_addr = INREG(RADEON_DISPLAY2_BASE_ADDR);
-+    save->ov0_base_addr      = INREG(RADEON_OV0_BASE_ADDR);
- /* Read common registers */
- static void RADEONSaveCommonRegisters(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONSavePtr save)
- {
-@@ -6696,6 +6747,7 @@
-     RADEONInfoPtr  info = RADEONPTR(pScrn);
-     RADEONTRACE(("RADEONSaveMode(%p)\n", save));
-+    RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(pScrn, save);
-     RADEONSaveCommonRegisters(pScrn, save);
-     if (info->IsSecondary) {
-       RADEONSaveCrtc2Registers(pScrn, save);
-@@ -6724,6 +6776,7 @@
-     RADEONTRACE(("RADEONSave\n"));
-     if (info->FBDev) {
-+      RADEONSaveMemMapRegisters(pScrn, save);
-       fbdevHWSave(pScrn);
-       return;
-     }
-@@ -6907,6 +6960,22 @@
-     int stop_req, max_stop_req;
-     float read_return_rate, time_disp1_drop_priority;
-+    /* 
-+     * Set display0/1 priority up on r3/4xx in the memory controller for 
-+     * high res modes if the user specifies HIGH for displaypriority 
-+     * option.
-+     */
-+    if ((info->DispPriority == 2) && IS_R300_VARIANT) {
-+        CARD32 mc_init_misc_lat_timer = INREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER);
-+      if (info->MergedFB || pRADEONEnt->HasSecondary) {
-+          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x1100; /* display 0 and 1 */
-+      } else {
-+          mc_init_misc_lat_timer |= 0x0100; /* display 0 only */
-+      }
-+      OUTREG(R300_MC_INIT_MISC_LAT_TIMER, mc_init_misc_lat_timer);
-+    }
-     /* R420 family not supported yet */
-     if (info->ChipFamily == CHIP_FAMILY_R420) return; 
-@@ -8009,6 +8078,7 @@
-     info->Flags = mode->Flags;
-+    RADEONInitMemMapRegisters(pScrn, save, info);
-     RADEONInitCommonRegisters(save, info);
-     if (info->IsSecondary) {
-       if (!RADEONInitCrtc2Registers(pScrn, save, mode, info))
-@@ -8389,7 +8459,6 @@
-     } else
-       if (!RADEONModeInit(pScrn, pScrn->currentMode)) return FALSE;
--    RADEONSetFBLocation(pScrn);
-     if (!info->IsSecondary)
-       RADEONRestoreSurfaces(pScrn, &info->ModeReg);
- #ifdef XF86DRI

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