Hi Juergen,

Juergen Kreileder wrote:
> ,----
> | ACTION=="add", \
> |   KERNEL=="event*", \
> |   SUBSYSTEM=="input", \
> |   SYSFS{manufacturer}=="Logitech", \
> |   SYSFS{product}=="USB Receiver", \
> |   NAME="input/mx1000"
> `----
> for my MX1000.

This looks very good, but ...

> You can get the necessary SYSFS values with udevinfo.  E.g. if you're
> device is '/dev/input/event4' currently, then do
> 'udevinfo -a -p /class/input/event4'.

... this command line returns just

udevinfo starts with the device the node belongs to and then walks up the
device chain, to print for every device found, all possibly useful attributes
in the udev key format.
Only attributes within one device section may be used together in one rule,
to match the device for which the node will be created.

regardless whether the device node exists (/dev/input/event1) or
not (/dev/input/event4). The upgrade to udev 0.082-1 did not help.
This doesn't seem to match the man page. Should I open a bug for
this? I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.


> After adding your rule to udev's configuration you can test it with
> 'udevtest /class/input/event4'



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