On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 13:05 +0000, Mark Brown wrote: 
> When running GNOME the desktop window becomes corrupted, carrying images
> of the contents of other windows, mostly those to the top left of the
> screen.  This mostly seems to happen when a window is moved: the desktop
> beneath it is redrawn with these ghost images (though while dragging
> windows about the desktop does seem to be mostly displayed correctly).
> Other windows are not affected.
> When the mouse cursor is near the right edge of the display I also see
> the vertical height of the cursor become a quater of what it should be,
> a corrupted pattern displayed below it.  A corrupted image of the cursor
> and corrupted patter appear on the left hand side of the screen, the
> extent of this depending on how near the right hand side the cursor is.
> Many of the symptoms are similar to those reported in #345885.  However,
> the workaround given there does not work for me and there are some
> differences in the symptoms.  I don't notice any of the performance
> impact reported there.

Does any of the following have any impact on any of the symptoms?

      * Option "ColorTiling" "off"
      * Option "RenderAccel" "off"
      * Option "MonitorLayout" "TMDS,NONE"
      * Option "UseFBDev" (will only have an effect if radeonfb is
        active in the kernel)
      * Disabling the DRI, i.e. not loading the "dri" module
      * Running at depth 16 instead of 24

Otherwise, did everything work fine with xserver-xorg 6.8.x? If so, can
you please also provide a log file from that.

Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Libre software enthusiast    |   http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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