Dear Fabio, 
I would like to report a "bug" which I think relates to the X11-common 
package. I installed a Debian Sid system from scratch and the ran 
aptitude install x-window-system. Everything works fine with Fluxbox. 
But if I install KDE (3.5) then it crashes when loading "Peripherals" 
without any apparent error on the part of the xserver. Other people are 
having this problem 
<> which is 
caused by x11-common not installing the /etc/init.d/x11-common file. In 
this script the .ICE-unix directory is set up with root as owner. 
Without it .ICE-unix is set up with the normal user as owner, which 
causes the crash. This is a pretty annoying and serious bugs for 
newbies like me who would like to install a modern kde/xorg based 
debian system without having to mess around with init level scripts 
Just my two cents, 

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