On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 07:30:47PM +0100, Pierre Lombard wrote:
> After some investigations, it's indeed a line in my .screenrc that messes
> up the xterm with xterm 208-2.
> FWIW the offending line in my screenrc is:
> caption always "%{=r kd}%-Lw%{= bd}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<%{- Wk}"

thanks (I'll decipher that, to satisfy my curiosity).
> After exiting screen, 'reset' does not restore the cursor when screen
> has been launched.  'vim' does.

Generally speaking, reset uses the rs2 string that's defined in the terminfo.
A few times (mouse for instance), someone points out for ncurses that it
would be nice to add features to those.  I'll make a note to investigate
the cursor setting in the terminfo descriptions.

vim has built-in tables which it may use instead of the terminfo description.

Thomas E. Dickey

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