El viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2005 15:41, Sjoerd Hemminga escribió:
> The problem is that 028_loader_speed_hack.diff optimizes too much :)
> In xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/loader/loadmod.c, function
> LoaderListDirs(), your patch removed all work on fp before
> fp = LoaderGetCanonicalName(buf, NULL);
> This line is added by your patch.
> However in the upstream source fp points _into_ buf, so changes to fp,
> change buf. Directly before the aforementioned line, a test is done to
> check whether buf points to a regular file or not. Since the apropriate
> changes to buf won't be made anymore, this test fails because buf points to
> a directory, not to a file.
> Due to this failure, the return variable (listing) will remain NULL
> throughout the whole function. LoaderListDirs() is therefore reduced to a
> quite expensive return NULL :)

        Hello, Sjoerd. Nice analysis...thank you very much.

> How three lines can keep a guy busy for 16 hours truly amazes me.

        You do not tell in your mail if you tried to build Xorg with this 
change. I 
would like to try a build (maybe tonight) before merging your suggestion into 
mainline, and also ask Daniel (patch's original author) about your suggested 

        Anyway, thank you again.

        Best regards,

We accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have
 about three seconds to live.
                -- Dr. Doctor to Kenny (South Park).
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