NEW! FIRST-TIME OFFERED TO INDUSTRY! INTRODUCTORY OFFER CODE 4477. The 2006 American Hospital Email Directory. 174,000 Email Addresses for hospital executives.
($247.00). The 2006 American Hospital Email Directory is the only email directory of hospital personnel and the abslolute best resource when marketing a product or service to the hospital market. A "Who's Who" of the hospital universe, this database is the most comprehensive on the market today. The American Hospital Email Directory lists over 176,000 key decision makers in the hospital sector along with a mailing address and phone/fax contact data. It includes all U.S. hospitals (7,000). The 2006 American Hospital Email Directory is used by libraries, hospitals, medical firms, distributors, universities, lawyers and doctors. It is the most cost-effective product avialble and its accuracy is second to none. In response to numerous requests for email addresses for hospital executives, the New 2006 American Hospital Email Directory has now been completed. It is the only product in the industry that offers email addresses for key decision-makers in the hospital sector. The 2006 American Hospital Email Directory offers email contact information for key decision-makers in hospitals. It covers Directors of purchasing, IT, nursing, medical, facilities, hospice, housekeeping,.long-term care, physical therapy, obstetrics, pharmacy, radiology, rehabilitation, biomedical, compliance, legal, supplies, pediatrics,surgery, oncolgy, laboratory, etc. Over 50 director titles are offered for over 6,400 hospitals. In total, over 174,000 email addresses are listed in this unprecedented database. In addition, CEOs, CFO, CIOs,. Pres., and Exec. VPs are included. The 2006 American Hospital Email Directory is available in excel format and is based on unlimited use. To order the 2006 American Hospital Email Directory at the introductory price of $247 (code 4477), simply fill out the order form below and fax it to 905-751-0199 (tel:905-751-0919). Name: Title: Organization: Address: City/State: Zip: Tel: Fax: Email: