> > It is. At least for nv_drv.o. 
> Great, thanks for trying it.

Don't mention it, that's nothing. Besides, have you ever tried using
1920x1440 resolution with "Option NoAccel True"? It's quite painful!

> Indeed, they use their own AA, but apparently, it still has at least
> some things in common with XAA. ;)

How surprising, again! :)

> > Would you like to notify nvidia or should I? 
> Why should I? :)

I thought you might have had connections I don't, but I will report it
(as soon as nvnews.net is up and I can check it's not already reported),
don't worry.

> > Please close the bug anyway and package .dfsg.1.6. :) Thanks for an
> Note that the fix is only in upstream yet, not in Debian. You should

That's why I suggested packaging dfsg.1.6. I'll stick to my locally
patched and packeged version for now.

> thank the upstream committer, who apparently discovered this about the
> same time as you independently.

I will. Thanks!

                | Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
                | Laboratory of Theoretical Physics             |
                | Department of Physics, University of Turku    |
                | home: http://www.utu.fi/~juolja/              |

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