On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 06:37:39PM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
> Thomas Dickey wrote:
> >
> >The locale resource has been there a couple of years (and can
> >be set so that you get the original behavior).
> >
> >What happens if you set the locale resource to false?  (And are
> >you ensuring that there are no resource conflicts that override
> >that).
> No.. changing to false did not help. Nor trying various settings 
> for utf8. I have no idea how to check for resource conflicts, though.

I have some ideas.  Knowing that it is a recent change helps (though
as in the bold-font bug last week, I can still _look_ in the wrong place).

I did read through my changes last night, saw that I went through 2-3
stages as part of this one:

     * modify  interaction  between  +u8 and locale resource to allow the
       command-line  option to override the resource (requested by Thomas

Though (I don't see it in my changelog), there was the additional complication
of ensuring that simply having UTF-8 locale set in the environment did not
cause the utf8 resource in xterm to be set, e.g.,

        setenv LANG=en_US.UTF-8
        xterm +u8

should run xterm without the resource set.
> >"It used to be" is vague - one of the problems with the Debian
> >package is that I don't know offhand what version of xterm it
> >corresponds to.
> Ah.. I should have realized before that you are the AUTHOR, not 
> the Debian package maintainer. It worked with the previous Debian 
> version called xterm_4.3.0.dfsg.1-14_i386.deb. I could install 
> this (somewhat to my amazement) on the new x-org system, and it 
> worked perfectly! It can be started with UTF-8 as default. In this 
> working version, xterm -version gives
> XTerm(200)
> The new version gives XTerm(220).
  The new version gives XTerm(202).

Generally the old binaries run - I happened to notice last night that
I had about 75 copies of xterm in my /usr/local/bin (and the bug that
I was looking at dated back before X11R5 ;-).

Thomas E. Dickey

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