El Lunes, 18 de Julio de 2005 21:50, X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin 
> -xorg-x11 6.8.2-2 (unstable)
> +xorg-x11 6.8.2-5 (unstable)

        Why -5? :-)

> -* Drop the Debian woody->sarge transitional packages:
> -  + xlibmesa3
> -  + xlibmesa3-dbg
> -  + xlibmesa-dev
> -  + xlibs-dbg
> -  + xlibs-dev
> -  + xlibs-pic
> -

        This is not yet done. I do not see the point of removing it.

        Best regards,

Non. Je suis la belette de personne.
                -- Amélie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain).
Debian developer

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