Package: xfree86-common
Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1.-1

When I type "startx" at the console, x starts and quits.  But if I type
"startx" at a dumb terminal on a serial port, x starts OK and goes to
the icewm (ice window manager which I have installed).  So why can I
start X from a dumb terminal but not from the console? 

It took me some time to determine why.  The error is in the file
/etc/X11/Xsession.  The run_parts() function has
        for F in $(ls $1); do
it should be:
        for F in $(command ls $1); do

This is because I have in my /etc/profile:

if [ $TERM = linux -o $TERM = xterm ]; then
    if [ $TERM = linux ]; then
       eval `dircolors`;
       ls () { command ls --color $* ; }
    ls () { command ls -F $* ; }

So when I use a dumb terminal and $TERM = my-dumb-terminal (or whatever)
then ls() is defined differently.  But at the console, ls() is made
to support colors and the run_parts() can't seem to cope with the
control codes which are embedded in the file names to create colors.
One word "command" fixes it.

What was frustrating was that there were no error messages.

                        David Lawyer

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