Hi Denis,

On Saturday 18 December 2004 13:38, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 01:11:21PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> > $ xprop -root | grep XKB
> > _XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "en_US", "",
> > "grp:switch,compose:ralt"
> Should be "us" instead of "en_US".
> > > 2) Let us know if you can reproduce this problem in a "minimal" X
> > > sesstion such as that provided by:
> > >    $ startx $(which x-terminal-emulator) -- :1
> >
> > No, the message disappears then.
> >
> > It looks like the message appears when KDE if started (not when KDM
> > is started, but when KDE itself is started after I log in as user).
> This is a bug in KDE or in your configuration files, can you please
> check from where does en_US come and reassign this bug to the culprit?

In my keyboard configuration in KDE I had keyboard switching enabled with 
the following 3 layouts selected:
U.S. English                (us)
U.S. English w/ deadkeys    (us-intl)
U.S. English w/ ISO9995-3   (en_US)
(AFAICT, the first option in the list should be the default, so I'm a bit 
confused how the en_US got in the xprop output.)

Removing the last two gets rid of the error and results in xprop showing 
"us" as suggested.

Re-adding the two and then switching to the us-intl layout results in an 
error; entering the command 'setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us_intl' 
manually from a shell results in:
   Error loading new keyboard description
And _this_ actually causes the line to appear in the log!!

Loading the en_US layout does not result in an error.

I am sure that when I first selected this configuration, all three layouts 
worked correctly.

I still feel there is a problem in X at the root of this. If us_intl and 
en_US are no longer valid layouts, why are they still shown in the 
selection list for KDE?

Using the setxkbmap manpage, I got to the file:
This has:
! layout
  us            U.S. English
  en_US         U.S. English w/ ISO9995-3
  us_intl       U.S. English w/ deadkeys

So it appears as if these layouts _should_ be supported. I would guess 
that KDE uses this file to build it's list of possible layouts.
Or is it just that the us_intl layout is broken somehow?

I hope you can clarify.

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