close 285782 # An easy workaround in a conffile existed. That ain't "grave". severity 285782 important retitle 285150 xdm: typo in /etc/X11/xdm/Xstartup prevents login merge 285150 285782 thanks
This bug was fixed in xdm 4.3.0.dfsg.1-10. [The following is a form letter.] Hello, You recently filed a duplicate bug report against a Debian package; that is, the problem had already been reported. While there is often nothing inherently wrong with doing so, the filing of duplicate reports can cause Debian package maintainers to spend time performing triage and maintenance operations on bug reports (e.g., instructing the Debian Bug Tracking System to merge the duplicates) that could otherwise be spent resolving problems and doing other work on the package. One very good way to file bugs with the Debian Bug Tracking System is to use the "reportbug" package and command of the same name. A very nice feature of reportbug is that, if the machine where you run it has network access to the World Wide Web, it can query the Debian Bug Tracking System and show you existing reports. This reduces the chance that you'll file a duplicate report, and offers you the option of adding follow-up information to an existing bug report. This is especially valuable if you have unique information to add to an existing report, because this way information relevant to the problem is gathered together in one place as opposed to being scattered among multiple, duplicate bug reports where some facts may be overlooked by the package maintainers. The reportbug program also does a lot of automatic information-gathering that helps package maintainers to understand your system configuration, and also ensures that your message to the Debian Bug Tracking System is well-formed so that it is processed correctly by the automated tools that manage the reports. (If you've ever gotten a "bounce" message from the Debian Bug Tracking System that tells you your message couldn't be processed, you might appreciate this latter feature.) Therefore, I strongly urge you to give "reportbug" a try as your primary bug reporting tool for the Debian System. (If you already do use "reportbug", please see below.) One way to install reportbug is with "apt-get"; for example: # apt-get install reportbug The "reportbug" command has a few different modes that cater to different levels of user expertise. If this message has contained a lot of jargon that is unfamiliar to you, you likely want to use reportbug's "novice" mode; here's one way to do that. $ reportbug --mode=novice Please enter the name of the package in which you have found a problem, or type 'other' to report a more general problem. > If you're more sophisticated, or if you are not using the released version of Debian ("stable"), but instead Debian "testing" or "unstable", you should use reportbug's standard mode. $ reportbug Please enter the name of the package in which you have found a problem, or type 'other' to report a more general problem. > The reportbug command is extensively documented in its usage message and manual page. Commands to view these pieces of documentation are: $ reportbug --help | more $ man reportbug (The output of the above commands has been omitted from this message.) If you do use reportbug, but are so daunted by the large number of bugs already filed against a package that you feel you cannot search for a duplicate, please note that reportbug has a (f)ilter feature that enables you to use a keyword search to limit the number of bugs reported. (If you're feeling ambitious, the filter feature also accepts a regular expression.) For example, if you'd like to report a SEGV (segfault), you might filter based on the term "SEGV". If you're having trouble upgrading a package, you might filter based on "upgrad" (to catch both "upgrade" and "upgrading"). Some package maintainers retitle bugs to contain keywords so as to facilitate better filtering and convey more useful information, since a bug report with a title of "broken" or the like is not very useful to anyone. We appreciate you taking the time to help package maintainers serve you better by reducing the amount of time they need to spend coping with duplicate bug reports. Thanks for using the Debian system! -- G. Branden Robinson | If the jury can count higher than Debian GNU/Linux | two, the case will fail. [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Tom Lane, on Forgent's claim of | a patent on JPEG
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