retitle 250915 xserver-xfree86: [s3] X server rejected all built-in modelines 
on 86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+]

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 09:30:19PM +0000, Jason Dobbs wrote:
> Following your request, I revisited the XF86Config-4 on this machine, and
> am happy to report that it is now working fine. The problem was a lack of
> 'Modeline' entries. With no custom Modeline entries, the driver creates
> Modelines that do not work on my monitor, blanking the screen. I copied
> the Modeline entries from my working 3.3.6 XF86Config file to the
> non-working XF86Config-4 file. Restarted X, and the S3 4.4.3 X server
> worked fine.

Thanks for following up!

How bizarre.  I suspect the driver is misprogrammed somehow.  That or your
monitor is one crazy device.

What happens if you use the modes from
/usr/share/doc/xserver-xfree86/examples/vesamodes.gz instead?

Those are built-in to the X server, so if using those "vesamodes" works,
then we have a driver bug.

> The monitor is an Eizo FlexScan F552-T. I took the monitor frequencies
> straight off this Eizo support page...

Okay.  I don't see anything wrong with doing that. :)

Thanks again for following up.  If you can get us the one more bit of
information described above, we may be able to isolate this bug.

G. Branden Robinson                |     Human beings rarely imagine a god
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     that behaves any better than a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     spoiled child. |     -- Robert Heinlein

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