On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 09:27:56PM +0100, Ennio-Sr wrote:
> 2) Can you reproduce the problem with xserver-xfree86-dbg?
> ## Yes, I can, but no core file is created, despite following step by
> ## step  the instructions listed in the 'form letter'.
> ## The only core file I could see is the /proc/kcore, which I think
> ## you're not intered in. [read more at the bottom]

Correct; we're not interested in /proc/kcore.  :)

I apologize for the boilerplate not being precisely applicable to your

It's remotely possible you could have caused a core dump yourself by simply
signalling the process.

That is, identify the process ID of the X server and then use "kill -QUIT"
or "kill -ABRT" on it.

However, I suspect in this case that wouldn't have worked, because your
display adapter had things hosed at the bus level.

On the other hand, if that *does* work, it would be useful to know, because
the core dump (once parsed by GDB) would tell us what function the X server
was in when it locked up the display adapter.  And that in turn might point
in the direction of a fix.

G. Branden Robinson                |    My first priority in any attack is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    to solve the problem -- not issue a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    press release.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Steve McInerney

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