On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:42:43PM +0100, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 04:48:34PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> >> I disagree, it has always been pretty clear to me that uxterm is a nice
> >> way to temporarily switch to a UTF-8 locale, its behavior should not be
> >> altered.  Maybe a new wrapper could be added, say lxterm, to launch
> >> uxterm in UTF-8 locales and xterm otherwise?
> > 
> > Not just that, but people have requested a wrapper similar to uxterm called
> > "koi8rxterm".
> > 
> > lxterm could decide whether to launch regular xterm, uxterm, or koi8rxterm
> > based on the character set currently used by the locale.
> > 
> > What do you guys think?  I'd be happy to repurpose this bug for this goal,
> > and to write the script as well.
> I do not know enough about xterm to know why it doesn't already launch in
> UTF-8 mode if the user is in an UTF-8-locale (ie. without a helper script),
> but apart from that, this sounds excellent to me, as it would make the
> default x-terminal-emulator respect whatever locale the user has set, which
> I think is the only sane option in the first place. :-)

AFAICT this is discussed in noisy #215647, and especially
My understanding is that Thomas Dickey suggests that these settings
should work in Debian, but IIRC I had problems and was unable to
display Euro sign with [EMAIL PROTECTED], but maybe it is worth discussing
this issue again.


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