On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 08:38:27PM +0000, Sam Morris wrote:
> Brandon,

FYI, it's "Branden".  :)

> I also own a tablet that uses the aiptek driver, and would love to test 
> this. However, the driver is present in XFree86 4.4 and Xorg, so there's 
> not much point working on it unless the updated xserver-xfree86 would 
> enter Sarge.

I won't promise that it will, but it most likely won't if a person who owns
the hardware is not willing to prepare a patch and test it.

> Christopher: I compiled aiptek_drv.o a while back. I never got the 
> tablet to do anything other than make the cursor dart around in an 
> irregular fashion, but if you want a go you can get it from 
> <http://robots.org.uk/stuff/aiptek_drv.o>. It just needs to be dropped 
> into "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input". If you do manage to make it work 
> properly, please let me know how. :)

If you could come up with a patch to the Debian X Strike Force XFree86
Subversion trunk, it would be very helpful.

There are some instructions for working with the repository at:


G. Branden Robinson                |    Men use thought only to justify
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    their wrong doings, and speech only
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    to conceal their thoughts.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Voltaire

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