Package: xserver-xfree86
Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-8 


  I'm running debian testing on Acer travelmate 354TE which has:
0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/i1 (rev 

videochip installed. The problem is that mplayer with XV video output
locks up entire box, kernel doesn't response, network dead, sysrq magic
keys also dead. Tried it on debian's 2.4.27 and custom compiled kernel
with and without acpi, pci=noacpi in any combination, anyhow it is
always reprodusable, but it NEVER lock-up when I start mplayer for the
1st time, sometimes I can start mplayer for the 2nd and 3rd time, but
any subsequent mplayers start increase prababilty of system lock.

  I see various fixes for the trident driver, which of them are
incorporated in debian version? Is there newer debian source package of
xserver which I try?

  Thanks in advance!

PS: here's device section of XFree86-4 config file:
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/i1"
        Driver          "trident"
        Option          "CyberShadow"   "false"
        Option          "ShadowFB"      "false"
        Option          "SWcursor"      "false"
        Option          "PciRetry"      "true"
        Option          "NoPciBurst"    "true"
        Option          "NoAccel"       "false"
        Option          "UseFB"         "false"

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