The xinit manpage says:

  xinit [ [ client ] options ] [ -- [ server ] [ display ] options ]

However, it seems to be impossile to start a client without xterm.
I do not have nor want xterm on my machines, but it is not possible
to start e.g. urxvt instead:

  xinit urxvt -- :1

If I do this, urxvt is passed to xterm, which is not installed. No,
I will not install it. Why are we depending on xterm? Why not make
it invoke x-terminal-emulator?

Am I misunderstanding the manpage? "client" to me seems to mean "X
client". However, all that xinit ever seems to care about is options
to xterm.

Is this just me?

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
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