On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 11:53:43PM +0900, Mike Hommey wrote:
> > And if you try
> >   $ cd /tmp/xlibs/etc/X11/xkb
> >   $ setxkbmap -model jp106 -layout jp -option compose:menu -print
> > do you have the same output?
> > ... xkb_symbols   { include "jp+compose(menu)"      };
> yes i do.

Sorry I do not know how I tested that the other day, but this is indeed
the expected output with 4.3.0.dfsg.1-8.  By default logo keys are not
bound to any symbol, but you can select
  -option altwin:super_win
or any other modifier.
You are now certainly willing to have this option enabled by default,
but the situation is very different in SVN because a multi-layout aware
jp has been introduced, which incidently fixes your problem (and is the
reason why I was unable to reproduce it).  So IMO there is no need to
try to fix symbols/jp, please check that the upcoming XKB files work
fine for you, they are available at


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