On 2004-11-09 06:31:42 +0100, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> If X applications are not able to handle data properly on crash,
> that's an application problem.

Hmm... OK. I hope that their maintainers won't say that the X server
shouldn't crash. However, it seems difficult to recover the session
as it was before the crash.

> | Section "Device"
> |     Identifier      "ATI Rage 128 M3 (Mobility)"
> |     #Option         "NoAccel"
> |     #Option         "SWcursor"
> |     #Option         "HWcursor"
> |     #Option         "Dac6Bit"
> |     #Option         "Dac8Bit"
> |     Option          "UseFBDev"
> |     #Option         "power_saver"
> |     Driver          "r128"
> |     #BusID          "PCI:0:16:0"
> | EndSection
> Is there any specific reason for using r128 instead of ati?

Lack of documentation. Since I didn't know what to put in this
file (it was in March 2001), I took the XF86Config of someone
else (that was written for the PowerBook G4). I'll change it
to "ati". If "r128" is deprecated or not better than "ati", it
should be said in the r128(4x) man page.

> Is this problem reproducible constantly? If so please install the
> debugging version of the server and provide us a gdb back trace.

This is the first time it occurred (I couldn't find any other report
in my mail archives). I also looked for a core file (even though it
wouldn't really be useful without the debugging version), but there
was none.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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