Daniel Stone napisaƂ(a):

On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 01:45:24PM +0100, Janusz Ulanowski wrote:
i've installed latest driver for Nvidia - NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pkg1.run
and i have problem w glx:
i have sarge, kernel 2.6.10-rc1, xorg 6.8.1
nvidia module is loaded

[lots of stuff]
(EE) GLX is not supported with the Composite extension

We can't support self-compiled X.Org installs, or the binary NVIDIA
driver, but the error message there isn't lying.  You can't get
accelerated 3D and Composite working together right now -- the code just
isn't there.  I suggest you pick which of Composite or GLX you want.

Thanks for your answer :)
yes, the reason was - Composite "enable"

Janusz Ulanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile: +48 503939354

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