On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Robert Hardy wrote:
I'm evaluating Debian's evdev patches to xorg-x11 (or perhaps Gentoo's
adapation of Mr. Hull's original patches it isn't clear.)
I'm trying to figure out if they can be made to work in other distributions
and if they can be generalized to the point where they have a better chance
of gaining wide spread acceptance. At very least I would like to add more
info to a howto wrt/ how to get them working with a USB switch.
Never mind, I figured it out from the source. I'm sure you don't care but I
now have a working evdev patched xorg-x11 Fedora Core 2/3 rpm.
---------------------"Happiness is understanding."----------------------
Robert Hardy, B.Eng Computer Systems C.E.O. Webcon Inc.
rhardy <at> webcon <dot> ca GPG Key available (613) 276-7327