[replying to submitter and two people who have also seen this bug]

On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 10:45:01PM +0200, Markus Schaber wrote:
> Well, currently, I cannot reproduce the font match number (as I recently
> deinstalled xfs - it seems that most fonts were served twice, by xfs and
> the X server itself). Now, "xlsfonts | wc -l" tell me I have 15285
> fonts, while xfontsel has 20889 matches, which still seems to be a lot.
> It still crashes when selecting monospaced. So this is independent from
> the possible 32767 issue.

On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 02:42:24PM -0700, Vassilis Papadimos wrote:
> I can reproduce this bug, both for xfontsel and emacs. Removing
> msttcorefonts doesn't seem to make a difference. xlsfonts reports
> 7258 fonts, xfontsel reports 9930 names.
> One potentially interesting data point is that, for me, this only happens 
> for locales other than C or en_US (i.e. "LC_ALL=C xfontsel" works, but
> "LC_ALL=el_GR xfontsel" does not).

On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 04:11:03PM +0200, François Girault wrote:
> Hi, I've got the same problem with emacs since last monday but no
> problems with xfontsel. 
> The same problem appears with sylpheed-claws and other programs.

Let's try to nail down if these are all really the same problem.

Mr. Schaber, Mr. Girault:

Does the problem go away if you invoke xfontsel as follows?:

LC_ALL=C xfontsel


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