On Sat, Sep 11, 2004 at 10:45:10PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 11, 2004 at 12:13:48PM -0700, Scott Robinson wrote:
> > I tried that setting. (See my current X config attached.)
> > 
> > The behavior still occurs.
> [...]
> >     Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
> >     Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"
> >     Option          "XkbLayout"     "dvorak"
> >     Option          "XkbOption"     "altwin:super_win"
> To reproduce your settings, I ran:
>   $ setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout dvorak -option -option altwin:super_win
>   $ killall WindowMaker && metacity
> I am then able to switch between windows with any window key + Tab.
> My $HOME/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml contains:
>         <entry name="switch_windows" mtime="1094910045" type="string">
>                 <stringvalue>&lt;Mod4&gt;Tab</stringvalue>
>         </entry>
> It also works when set to "<Super>Tab" with gconf-editor.
> Some GNOME component surely alter X settings, but I can't help much.
> If you can reproduce the steps above, I would say that this bug can
> be closed if a note is added to some README file to help people
> upgrading from woody.  On fresh installs, I believe that this option
> should be set by default for pc104/pc105 keyboards.
> Denis

I removed my keyboard remapping applet, and "reset to defaults" the GNOME
Keyboard settings:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [0] xprop -root | grep XKB
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "dvorak", "", ""
_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "dvorak", "", ""
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [0] gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb
 layouts = [dvorak]
 model = pc104
 overrideSettings = false
 options = []

My metacity settings are the same as yours. Windows Key-Tab'ing results in
the same stuck window. But, I did find a way to make it work:

(immediately after logging in)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [0] xprop -root | grep XKB
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "dvorak", "", ""
_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "dvorak", "", ""
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [0] setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout dvorak -option -option 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [0] xprop -root | grep XKB
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "dvorak", "", ""
_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xfree86", "pc104", "dvorak", "", "altwin:super_win"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [0] killall metacity 
(Windows-Tab works now.)

It seems the GNOME Keyboard applet is screwing stuff up. However, I don't
see how to prevent it. Resetting to defaults didn't work, and there seems to
be no place in which to add the "altwin:super_win" option. None of the
available Alt/Win keyboard options specify that particular altwin option.
(though they specify just about every other...)

The gnome-settings-daemon is responible for resetting the keyboard options.
gnome-keyboard-properties is responsible for setting those options. Both are
in the capplets package. The bug is definitely not in X, but in GNOME.

Perhaps a reassign is necessary? I can't exactly remove
gnome-settings-daemon from my session, since it's responsible for other
things. GNOME needs to either add the altwin:super_win option to its list or
force "reset to defaults" to actually respect the settings in the server
config. Preferably both...


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