On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 10:45:07AM -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 01:23:31PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > However - the report for 263877 sounds mostly like the bug fixed in patch
> > #194 (from the mention of whitespace):
> > 
> >     Patch #194 - 2004/7/27 - XFree86
> >     fix a repainting bug introduced in patch #180:  when using a font
> >     lacking line-drawing characters, a repaint of the screen could skip
> >     horizontally an extra amount after filling in the missing character
> >     (reports by Nicolas George, Hans de Goede, Redhat Bugzilla #128341).
> Yes, this sounds like precisely the bug.

I'm only about 90% certain (seeing a screenshot would help).  If Brandon
wants to add the fix, it was rather small (attached).

Thomas E. Dickey
# revision 1.191
#       date: 2004/07/26 01:01:18;  author: tom;  state: Exp;  lines: +15 -4
#       fix a case in drawXtermText() broken in the patch #180 changes.  The
#       case happens when running wide-xterm in a non-UTF-8 locale but using
#       the iso-10646 fonts.  That makes line-drawing characters missing.
#       Repaint (exposure e.g., when xterm was hidden by another window, then 
#       shows the bug (not normally when first painting the screen since the 
#       are broken up).  An application such as dialog makes vertical lines next
#       to regular text.  The code emitted the fixed-up vertical line but fell
#       through with the x-value updated to paint the rest of the segment in
#       another portion of drawXtermText().  However, at the end of 
#       the x-value is again updated - resulting in a skip equal to the length 
#       the segment that was drawn before the special case.
#       first reported by Nicolas George in 2004/3/4, as well as Hans de Goede
#       in Redhat Bugzilla #128341 2004/7/21.
#       probably this one too:
#       040605
#               pasting from dialog's menubox into #190a4 running ncurses 
#               I see some display artifacts (text that "works" when I 
re-expose the
#               xterm window).  It doesn't seem to be recent.  otoh, #190 
#               worse.
RCS file: RCS/util.c,v
retrieving revision 1.190
retrieving revision 1.191
diff -u -r1.190 -r1.191
--- util.c      2004/07/20 01:14:41     1.190
+++ util.c      2004/07/26 01:01:18     1.191
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $XTermId: util.c,v 1.190 2004/07/20 01:14:41 tom Exp $ */
+/* $XTermId: util.c,v 1.191 2004/07/26 01:01:18 tom Exp $ */
  *     $Xorg: util.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:55:10 cpqbld Exp $
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@
                x += len * FontWidth(screen);
-           TRACE(("drewtext [%4d,%4d]\n", y, x));
+           TRACE(("drawtext [%4d,%4d]\n", y, x));
        } else {                /* simulate double-sized characters */
            Char *wide = 0;
@@ -1941,15 +1941,26 @@
                first = last + 1;
-       if (last <= first)
+       if (last <= first) {
            return x + real_length * FontWidth(screen);
+       }
        text += first;
        text2 += first;
        len = last - first;
        flags |= NOTRANSLATION;
-       x = DrawX(first);
+       if (DrawX(first) != (Cardinal) x) {
+           return drawXtermText(screen,
+                                flags,
+                                gc,
+                                DrawX(first),
+                                y,
+                                chrset,
+                                PAIRED_CHARS(text, text2),
+                                len,
+                                on_wide);
+       }
 #endif /* OPT_BOX_CHARS */

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