On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 05:25:03AM +0300, Rauli Ruohonen wrote:
> This was harder to reproduce than I expected. I thought it'd always 
> happen, but that's not true (I just tried xterm briefly, noticed a 
> problem, and went back to using gnome-terminal). I haven't checked how XIM 
> works, but apparently you need to have sent some request to kinput2, 
> after which kinput2 has to die before responding, and *then* the client
> application freezes. When I said xterm "dies", I was being unclear.. It
> doesn't exit.

yes - when I tried it, I wasn't in the middle of a request, but only had
verified that XIM was talking to xterm.
> A way to reproduce this for all X apps I tested:

thanks (there's lots of details here - seems enough for me to do the same)

Thomas E. Dickey

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