On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 04:24:08PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> I don't think the problem is within xterm (it's been a while since I tweaked
> the logic for this).  More likely something in the keyboard configuration
> has separated the definitions that you were relying upon.  What I do to
> debug this is to use xev and ensure that it's reporting "Meta_L" for the
> key.  If that's right, I generally compile a debug version of xterm
> (configure --enable-trace) and check the initialization of the modifiers.
Trace says about Meta:
~Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit()
 Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit()
~Meta<ButtonPress>1: select-start()
Button1~Meta<MotionNotify>: select-extend()
~Ctrl~Meta<ButtonPress>2: ignore()
 Meta<ButtonPress>2: clear-saved-lines()
~Ctrl~Meta<ButtonRelease>2: insert-selection("PRIMARY", "CUT_BUFFER0")
~Ctrl~Meta<ButtonPress>3: start-extend()
Button3~Meta<MotionNotify>: select-extend()
~Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit()
 Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit()
~Meta<ButtonPress>1: select-start()
Button1~Meta<MotionNotify>: select-extend()
~Ctrl~Meta<ButtonPress>2: ignore()
 Meta<ButtonPress>2: clear-saved-lines()
~Ctrl~Meta<ButtonRelease>2: insert-selection("PRIMARY", "CUT_BUFFER0")
~Ctrl~Meta<ButtonPress>3: start-extend()
Button3~Meta<MotionNotify>: select-extend()

Anything else I can provide?
 -- Guido

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