reassign 220657 xlibs-static-dev
retitle 220657 xlibs-static-dev: libxf86config:xf86writeConfigFile() writes 
localized output (decimal separator) when it shouldn't
tag 220657 + upstream

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 11:03:05PM +0200, Nikolaus Schulz wrote:
> Hello dear developers, 
> this i18n bug should be a trivial fix. 
> However, looking at the code, it seems an issue of libxf86config, as
> mgapdesk calls xf86writeConfigFile().
> libxf86config is part of the package xlibs-static-dev. This library
> surprisingly isn't beware of incompatible locales. IMO it should enforce
> a conforming locale/LC_NUMERIC for its fprintf() calls.
> doWriteConfigFile() in the parser's write.c seems the right point to fix
> this.
> How to reproduce:
> For example, LC_NUMERIC=de_DE triggers the bug: the floats are written
> with commas, which invalidates the configuration file.

Thanks a lot for the diagnosis!

Manipulating this bug accordingly.

Would anyone on -x like to get their feet wet with a patch?

G. Branden Robinson                |    Men use thought only to justify
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    their wrong doings, and speech only
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    to conceal their thoughts. |    -- Voltaire

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