On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 06:58:02PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > > Re-reading the bug log and the thread I still cannot understand why you
> > > downgraded the bug in the first place. There is no explanation in the BTS
> > > and the downgrade was done before Branden investigation that would have
> > > let X entering sarge in any case. You might want to excuse if i missed
> > > something but i can't access emails on a daily base but i am sure you can
> > > be so kind to give an explanation.
> >
> > I'll need to respond to this (later) in the morning.
> Ok. I just want to have a clear picture of the situation, since we are a
> team and we should work as such I think certain decisions (like X or Y
> should be handled in this way for this reason) should be agreed before
> rather than after.

I'll agree that I should've explained it, but I don't like the
suggestion of package management by committee; we'll never get anything

When I told Warren Turkal he was welcome to maintain libX11, I didn't
tell him to run every commit through a build, to test on all the release
architectures before he released, or whatever. All I said was to
remember what he was working on, and decide accordingly. I think the XSF
members have this much sense; just use your head.

Anyway, back to the bug. It doesn't cause serious data loss, doesn't
break unrelated apps, etc. It belongs as an important bug at most IMO;
if 'the X server segfaults when I run it with this revision of a PCI
Matrox' is important, then there's no way this bug should be higher.
It's an occasional annoyance, and nothing more (IMO).

> > > If you want at act as a release manager, you should in the first place
> > > stop telling people that they are stupid or whatever and start to
> > > cooperate with everyone, even with "clueless" people (this is not meant to
> > > be an attack to Adrian at all, but a general reference to less experienced
> > > users) and give good explanations to your actions wearing the RM hat.
> >
> > I said the suggestion was 'stupid', and I stick by it. I'm perfectly
> > willing to co-operate with Adrian, but not to the point of yielding to
> > his every suggestion - I have an opinion on some matters, and I'm not
> > willing to let everyone trample all over it.
> We all have opinions, neither i say that we need to accept everything from
> everyone, but upon a rejection I like to see a good explanation that makes
> 'stupid' a certain suggestion.

BTW, I never said Adrian was 'stupid', not at all. I was just stating my
opinion on his opinion on the bug.

> > The RM position is all yours if Branden agrees.
> This is where imho you miss the point. It is OUR decision who has to take
> the position as RM inside OUR team. Noone until now has been stepping
> forward and say: "hey i would like to take that responsability".
> Now we are in the exactly the other situation with 2 candidates. I
> believe that XFS should publically decide who can fit better that
> position and with XFS i also mean our users and not just us.

Ideally, yes, but I haven't traditionally seen this as how the XSF has
managed. The only reason I put my hand up for it was because, as best I
could tell at the time, no-one else had. I'll be relieved to escape the
time pressure, tbh.

I don't want to do it; I just said I would because no-one else was
(again, as best I could tell). That kind of leaves you per default, no?

Daniel Stone                                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debian.org

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